Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tuesday, Coop is back to school

Coop is finally back to school. He is back to his old self. His last day of school will be on May 22nd. I can't believe it. Then he will go on to Pre-K next year and Wyatt will start the 2-3 year old class. Max's last day of school is on June 11th. I can't believe it. Once these days get close they seem to just fly by! I need to figure out what to get there teachers for end of the year gifts. Ugh! They had teacher appreciation day today at Max's school. Our neighbor organized a luncheon for them so I sent a pot of potato cheese soup with her. I am thankful that she took it up there for me. I was going to take it up myself but with the other two kids with me it just seemed to easy to let her take it :) Lame on my part I know. I will have to make up for it some other time.

O.K. I am not looking forward to tomorrow. Both Max and Cooper have been horrified that they both have a wart on the bottom of their feet! We tried over the counter junk and nothing worked. So now they have to go see a podiatrice to have them removed. Their pediatrician won't do it. I was so hoping that Barry would be able to take them. But they switched him back to day shift so he will be working. Their appts are at 9 and 9:15. They are going to cry!!! I don't even know what to tell them or not to tell them. I can only hope that they will num the area first. I can hear Barry now.. " you are thinking too negative". But lets be serious. We all know when Max gets a scratch you can hear him for miles! So I am going to buck up. Take them with a smile on my face. Bribe them with whatever I can! That is the plan and I am sticking to it.

Max spent the night last Saturday again at Caden's. He left at 1:30 and didn't get back until after 4:00 the next day. Plus, he walked both ways. The young ones "Coop and Wy" had a good time. Barry put them in the tree and we got a couple good pics.

The weather has been getting better. I bought a new slip and slide and a sprinkler that goes every which way. They had fun last night cooling off. We are starting to shop for this years pool. I think we will go with a framed one this year.

We have been enjoying our back yard again. We have been kicking off shoes and boots and socks leaving them on the porch and guess what? They are still there when we go back for them and no holes! Dang Eevee.

Well, Got to go pick Coop up from school.

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