Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Check it out

Barry updated the web site www.get.to/gellner with pics from Coop's big day! We had fun. Mondays at Chuck's is fun. It wasn't busy at all!
Cooper got the Indiana Jones game for the WII so the boys have been busy playing it since last night. When they went to bed Coop and Max said to each other "whoever gets up first wake the other up so we can play together" So far there hasn't been any fighting. Wow, what a break!
Barry got called in to work at midnight last night. So our weekend is being broken up. He is taking a quick nap and then is going to give me a little break before he goes back to sleep so he can work his scheduled days.
Don't know what direction I am going to take today. I have plenty to do. I need to pick something that I know I can finish. I need to complete a short term goal to motivate me to do a big one :) I still haven't painted. I keep getting derailed.

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