Saturday, September 27, 2008


My ribs still ache. I had an x-ray and I am waiting to hear about that. The doctor is treating me for bruised/fractured ribs which they don't do anything but help you with the pain while everything is mending. I am hoping they are just bruised so that they won't take 6 weeks or more to heal. The pain meds make me sick to my stomach so for the most part I am just using ibuprofen.
The pool is put away and the fire pit is out! Pumpkins are being harvested. Barry has found that we have a infestation of squash beatles so we are going to have to rotate the pumpkin patch to another location in the yard so we can overcome those pest.
Tanner has helped Barry with the pool project and with a cabinet assembly for the entryway. I can't stand to see the shoes and hats and scarves laying around. Thank you Tanner! I really didn't want to help Barry!
The boys are being boys. Hitting, shooting, screaming and name calling. But also giving their mom lots of hugs for my sore ribs!
Adele is my latest craze! I love her! Her music is very moving for me. Her voice is beautiful. Not like the Brittany, Christina or Jessica sound. Very soulful. Let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Jamie S said...

I'm thinking of you Rocky! Take care of yourself and let me know if you need anything!