Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Some old and some new.

This pic is a month or so old. Max went out in to the night one windy, cold evening. I don't think he really had to work too hard to get the swing to move!
We have been having some wind and rain lately. The temp has been moving up so that is nice. Yesterday we lost power for an hour or so. I went to dry my hair and the dryer wouldn't work. I thought I had blown through another hair dryer in a short couple of months. I was walking around the house trying different outlets. Banging it on the floor :) Swearing because I didn't want to spend another $20.00 on a hair dryer. THEN, I looked at the clock. "Oh...... the power must be out" DUH! So I spent the $20.00 yesterday on some wicker baskets to keep potatoes and onions in the pantry. One small step to being more organized.
My Grandma apparently has "plateaued" in her rehabilitation. She will be moving to an official assisted living facility. She has agreed to try it for a few weeks. This really needs to work out for her. She has been asking to go home. But she really does not take care of herself. She says she does. Even the nurses say she would not be able to live alone. So we are hoping she will be open to all the activities they provide there and get wrapped up in it all.
On a bummer note my sister is still looking for a job. She has sent applications and resumes in but with the economy the way it is hasn't heard anything back. She is networking the best she can. I have been checking over here as well. She needs a new beginning.
O.K. that is it for now.

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