Monday, June 1, 2009

busy, busy, busy!

Wow! We are way behind on our blogs. Lots of pics to share. The cameras are full!

Coop's end of the year picnic was a bunch of fun and his pic with his teacher is hilarious. Mostly, because he has the very same look on his face as his pic last year with last years teacher. I am going to try and put them both on here.

I am very proud of Max. He saved his money up for a real bow and has spent a lot of time practicing with the target and also practicing safety. Barry has pics of that on his blog.

Wyatt is the bug kid. He has been spending lots of time turning rocks over in the yard to look for rollie pollies. I am glad he is having so much fun but the rocks of course don't get put back. You can tell when he has made a pass through one of the gardens :)

I painted the master bedroom! I am really glad that it is done. Barry wanted it all done in one day. I managed but was exuasted afterward AND I see some spots that need fixin! I rewarded myself with a new quilt for the bed. It will be so nice to have a new look in there. We have been here 12 years! The house is really showing it too!

June already! One more month and Max will be 10 years old. Yikes! 12 days and Barry and I will be married for 11 years. What a whirlwind we have been on!

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