Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Wow, am I ever glad that is over. The boys have had their H1N1 vaccines. Wyatt went first and boy did he howl. You should have seen Cooper's face after that. Wyatt kept on screaming "no more Doctors....ever". Coop was next and he just let out about 30 seconds of tears. Then it was big brothers turn. He was pretty frightened. The nurse gave him the shot and he said "hey, that was easy". For Pete's sake!
I am one of "those" who never feels totally confident with immunizations. Unfortunately, I have this feeling in my heart that we don't really need as many as these kids get. But a bigger voice that reminds me of how terrible I would feel if they would get something terrible.
Big day tomorrow. Dentist for Barry. Ortho for Max and a Podiatrist for me.

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