Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall is here

It has really been getting chilly at night. The house cools down really fast but is really cold in the morning. Makes for great sleeping but hard to get out of bed :) Makes for fabulous Mums in the garden too.

It was the book fair and that was Cooper's deal this week. Somewhere in his head he got the idea that he should be able to go purchase books nearly everyday. Barry took him after school one day and then he still wanted to go one more time. Needless to say, the "badger" was pursistant and he has a new collection of books.

Wyatt has been busy playing WII batman. Singing Wheels on the Bus" and Head Shoulders Knees and Toes". Although yesterday He and Coop came up with some new words to the head shoulders song. It was funny but slightly inappropriate :)

Max has been rollerblading. He built himself a wood ramp to jump on and off of. We are going to Home Depot today to check the "extra bin" for bigger scraps for a bigger ramp!

I have had the privilege of scrubbing Henrietta's chicken butt! She seems to have some digestive trouble and walks around filthy! I have to catch her flip her upside down and wash away! Anyway, it is no fun. But I can't stand the thought of an egg coming from that butt! Met the girls for coffee. Started physical therapy again.

Barry is still on the night shift and has had a few extra dinners or meetings lately. Because of some training we have extended night shift schedule. It is hard on all of us. We had one more polar bear swim for those who where willing and he has worked hard getting up early to start putting the pool away. It is a process. But we do enjoy that pool!

Made a temporary pond in the back. Coop had fun "fishing".

We visited with our friends Pam and Doug. Had a very nice dinner at Olive Garden. I had the "tour of Italy" and it was yummy! Brought some home for the next day. Pam and Doug are off to Florida. We wish them safe travels and will look forward to next Summer when they return to "home 1".

So we start another week. I am working at Wy's school on Thursday. I really wanted to hire someone but Wy has shamed me into working. Physical Therapy for me. Cooper is getting orthotics made. Barry is off until Wednesday night. I am hoping to get a ride in there. The weather is perfect for it.
Hope everyone has a great week!

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