Saturday, November 20, 2010

Turkey fun!

Cooper brought home a turkey he made at school. He was so excited to show us how to make one at home. He set up stations at the kitchen table with supplies for us to make our own. He was so cute explaining every thing in perfect detail.
So a couple of us sat down and made some. I looked at the clock and it was 6:30 in the morning!!!! My kitchen table went from clean to total chaos in the 20 minutes that he was out of bed :) No wonder I always feel so behind!!!
The boys are off from school for a week. It is teacher conference time! I don't expect any surprises Thankfully!!!!
We are making our way out of a round of colds. Wyatt some how has managed to avoid most of its discomforts. So we should be healthy for Turkey Day. Turkey day this year is going to be different. My sis won't be here. I am trying to make the best of it. We will have a smaller version of our normal fare. Less work for me. Barry is working Thanksgiving
day so I may just make our turkey the day before.
There has been a little improvement on my foot. It is still very painful and range of motion has a ways to go. But the P.T.
seems to think it is better. Easy for him to say :)
Made it to the gym two times this week. I have been using an exercise bike at physical therapy so I hopped on one at the gym. It feels good to get myself back in there. It is kind of a snobby place usually but they seem to have some new people working there that are pleasant. We have a gold's gym going in so maybe they are finally feeling some competition. The Gold's gym is going to be in a much better location for us. But I don't think the pool they are putting in is going to be as nice. We will have to see.
Yesterday the electric heating fireplace started to smell. I asked Wyatt if something happened to it. Did a toy or something fall in? No! So I had Barry look at it today. Crap! Legos in the heat element!!! Poor Wyatt. I told him next time just answer me so I can take care it. Poor kid.
Still only 3 of 5 chickens laying. I think we got 2 parakeets!
Weather is turning cold. Making caring for outside animals fun! We are trying to figure out how we are going to prevent water bowls from freezing.

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