Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fair and first day of school

We had so much fun at the fair. I gave the boys ten dollars and watched them walk over to the sno-cone booth. Forgetting to tell them that all they needed were smalls. You guessed it they came back all proud with larges. And very little change back. But that is the type of thing you can do when you leave Big Daddy home. For the first year they were very happy to be in the animal barns. Which just really made my day. No rides! Only grossly expensive games. For cheap toys. Wyatt lost and proceeded to scream at the top of his lungs. Lord it was bad! It is so unexpected coming from him. But now becoming more regular. Anyway, we moved on and the boys finished the day with an elephant ear and I had a lemonade slushy. They all are excited to see if we can join a 4-H group so I am going to check in to that. We have some pretty chickens that we could take.
Today is the first day of school for Max and Wyatt and they were so excited. Max said he had butterflies in his tummy and Coop was just being goofy. I woke up this morning around three and started feeling sad about them going and over thinking their first day. Crazy. They really needed to go back. That playroom has not been clean for more than an hour since they started their vacation!!!!
I am off to my first physical therapy session. I am not looking forward to it as I don't like anyone really touching it or even brushing by it. I hope I don't spontainiously kick the therapist :o
All for now!!!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Fair Week!!!!

Hurray it is fair week! I plan on going. I will not let this foot stop me. We know two families that have various fair entries and I hope we run in to them or atleast see their animals and "wares".
Cooper really wants to see the rabbits and look in to getting his own again. We will see.
I am hoping the boys can keep their ride needs to a minimum. It is so expensive!

Our friend Tanner got a new job in Seattle and will be driving through on Wednesday and is going to stay.
We are all excited to see him and hang out!

For me I have an appointment on Wednesday for the foot. I am hoping he will have good news for me that I can start ditching the boot. Although, the foot still swells and I don't know what shoe I will be able to wear. I do sometimes use a sandal for short little jobs around here but it really is not supportive or comfortable. I will have to see.
Boys are all good. Wyatt can not stop talking about his birthday. Cooper has taken to teasing. And Max is trying to use poor vocabulary in front of his Dad which is not going over very well. Oh, and I can't forget to mention that Coop likes to flip the bird which he learned from Max. Here's hoping that I laugh about all this someday.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

This and That


Ahhh! Much better!

My husband takes good care of me! Sometimes. Beer and Tequila!
That will fix me!
Foot is getting better everyday. I can't wait to get back in a routine.
Beginning of summer I really thought that we weren't going to get much out of the garden. Onions, tomatoes, carrots and basil have done pretty well.
I made a batch of pesto and froze some. Started drying tomatoes in the dehydrator for winter pizzas. Getting ready to harvast the carrots. I will freeze those as well as some chopped onion. We did get a Foodsaver. Man, it rocks!!!!!!
The boys have their last swimming lesson today. Both Max and Coop advanced a level. They feel great about that.
Wyatt quit lessons. I couldn't believe the tantrum he had in the pool. "I don't want swimming lessons!!!!!!" I thought it was Max or Cooper. Usually, I can get him to calm down and reason a little but he was having none of it. My foot is not ready to get in the pool with 20 kids swimming around so Wyatt is getting out of it. For now.
Chickens are just a couple of weeks away from laying. We have some work to do on the coop. Need to change a few roosting boards and get the nesting boxes ready. We can't wait. After hearing about the egg recall I am excited to know where our eggs come from.
Wyatt is counting the days until his birthday. So hard for a 4 year old to watch his 2 brothers have their birthdays and he has to wait. He cries so hard and walks up to his room and hides under his covers. Poor little guy. It is getting closer Wyatt!
The temp is going to be perfect for awhile. The pool is nice too! A little under two weeks until school so I want to just enjoy the rest of our time. Some things will have to wait.
I am feeling so unsettled about the state of this country's economy. Feeling guilty about some of this families excess. I want to work harder at making do with what we have. To a point :)
All for now! Thanks for checking my blog!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I managed

I managed to actually do a few things around here yesterday! Short spurts of accomplishments and resting on the couch in between to rest my foot. I cooked a little and actually was able to have a small dinner for Barry when he got home. Did some laundry. Hung out with the bunny and chickens for a bit. Pulled a few weeds. The boys did great at playing together. Hardly any fighting. Knock on wood. Cooper used birthday money to order a Lego game. They make these great little board type games using lego pieces etc. Coop, Max and even Wyatt sits down to play. Wyatt even wins sometimes :)
I wish that I had more to say. I have been able to manage my pain with mostly Ibuprofen so I feel like I have a brain again. The pain was pretty tough to take the first week so I was needing to take the pain pills around the clock. I couldn't even really enjoy reading because the pages would get blurry and then I would fall asleep! Feeling a little more coherent this week. Just a little. :D

Saturday, August 7, 2010


I am having a rough day today. My foot has been giving me some pain. I don't know if I over did it or if it is just the way it goes. To top it off the boot that I have to wear makes my lower right side of my back just ACHE!
I suppose because the boot throws everything out of wack! I use to look at the boot as comfort and confidence and protection. Now all I see is total pain and the thought of that it is the only way I can get around for a couple of weeks. The family isn't holding up very well either. Everyone keeps fighting! Barry and Max are the worst. I am like "it hasn't even been two weeks yet, the Dr. said I wasn't going to really be able to do anything for 3 weeks at least" And Max of course is blaming me because "I had to go and have surgery on my foot and it is making Dad all cranky".
On an up note.....Barry picked up almost all of the school supplies!!!!!!!!! We just need to get kids some new shoes and a couple shirts and shorts and they will be ready for the new school year. I have to say this seems like it has been the quickest summer ever! Their swim lessons has been going great and they are considering continuing them after summer. I am so glad because it is such a good skill to have.
Our weather is getting a little better. Out of the upper 90's and back to upper 80's next week. Which I think is perfect. Hopefully, some gardening is in my future! That usually cheers me up.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So this is it! This is what all the hubub is about. They went in to the joint and cleaned out the spurs and arthritis and then at the foot bone area cut in and made a new space so that the joint could function. Then put a screw in. There is a reason for the screw and it makes total sense when I am talking to the doctor but for the life of me I can't explain it. One more week with the stitches. Went to the Doctors today and he said that everything looks to be on target. Advil is working so I am getting back to normal. In many ways :)

Cooper had a great birthday and a big Thank You to everyone for sending gifts his way. His dinner of choice is crab and steak. Grandma Bean was here (we said Happy B-day to her) and all enjoyed a huge dinner with vanilla cake and chocolate frosting! He got a new lava lamp!!!!!!! And more legos (ugh) It was a nice day.

Huge day for Wyatt. He saw his first Praying Mantis of the season! He loves that!
All for now as my foot is starting to talk to me!