Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fair and first day of school

We had so much fun at the fair. I gave the boys ten dollars and watched them walk over to the sno-cone booth. Forgetting to tell them that all they needed were smalls. You guessed it they came back all proud with larges. And very little change back. But that is the type of thing you can do when you leave Big Daddy home. For the first year they were very happy to be in the animal barns. Which just really made my day. No rides! Only grossly expensive games. For cheap toys. Wyatt lost and proceeded to scream at the top of his lungs. Lord it was bad! It is so unexpected coming from him. But now becoming more regular. Anyway, we moved on and the boys finished the day with an elephant ear and I had a lemonade slushy. They all are excited to see if we can join a 4-H group so I am going to check in to that. We have some pretty chickens that we could take.
Today is the first day of school for Max and Wyatt and they were so excited. Max said he had butterflies in his tummy and Coop was just being goofy. I woke up this morning around three and started feeling sad about them going and over thinking their first day. Crazy. They really needed to go back. That playroom has not been clean for more than an hour since they started their vacation!!!!
I am off to my first physical therapy session. I am not looking forward to it as I don't like anyone really touching it or even brushing by it. I hope I don't spontainiously kick the therapist :o
All for now!!!!!

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