Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I managed

I managed to actually do a few things around here yesterday! Short spurts of accomplishments and resting on the couch in between to rest my foot. I cooked a little and actually was able to have a small dinner for Barry when he got home. Did some laundry. Hung out with the bunny and chickens for a bit. Pulled a few weeds. The boys did great at playing together. Hardly any fighting. Knock on wood. Cooper used birthday money to order a Lego game. They make these great little board type games using lego pieces etc. Coop, Max and even Wyatt sits down to play. Wyatt even wins sometimes :)
I wish that I had more to say. I have been able to manage my pain with mostly Ibuprofen so I feel like I have a brain again. The pain was pretty tough to take the first week so I was needing to take the pain pills around the clock. I couldn't even really enjoy reading because the pages would get blurry and then I would fall asleep! Feeling a little more coherent this week. Just a little. :D

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Hi Rocky! I am glad your foot is feeling a little better. Sure wish I was next store so I could bring you some dinner...or at least alcohol :)

Hope you continue to heal!
