Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Had to do it

Had to festify the chicken coop!!! We are very busy here. The new puppy has added a bunch of extra "stuff" for us. We have zero room in our kitchen because Lucy is taking up most of it :) Making it hard for us to move around. Hopefully, she will be easy to potty train. More later!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Welcome to the farmlette!

It all happened so fast yesterday. It was so meant to be. Max has been looking at craigs list and petfinder for weeks trying to find a dog. When he gets his mind set on something he doesn't give up :) He got home from school early yesterday and ran and got the newspaper for the classifieds. He found an ad for hunting puppies. It didn't really say what breed. I kind of shrugged him off thinking that they were probably not the breed we would want. Poor Barry got home at 7:00 pm and Max was on him right away to call. I think he was thinking the same as me ...lets just get this over with. But you know they were purebred German Shorthaired Pointers located right in Richland. Just a 10 minute drive and only one female left. Barry loaded all 3 boys up in the car. I said "check the pedigree ...just out of curiosity. Now with 3 boys with him the chances are pretty slim that he was going to be able to get out of there without a puppy. But it was one look at the pedigree to see the Radbach von Grief line in her blood. Our Judy was a Radbach dog. And the rest is a new beginning!!!! Wish us luck! Our animal family is growing!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day before Turkey Day!

Well our outside temp was 5 degrees and I have no idea what the wind chill factor was over night. Whopping 17 degrees now! The bunnies and chickens made it through the night and we still have one more night with single digits and then we should be in double. That just seems manageable to me now :) Barry found some spots in the coop that he could put some foam sealer in. I put some hay inbetween the tarp and the bunny hutch. So glad that I bought a bale of hay instead of fooling with bags of it. I think it has been the key to the bunnies comfort.
They seem fine. I think as a Mom I am over thinking this but I would rather do that then have to tell someone their bunny didn't make it. Next time I see a weeks worth of temps like this I am moving them into the garage!
I still haven't started cooking yet. Ugh! I am going to get started on that next. After I finish my little sippy of Jaeger! It is the holidays you know. Breakfast for dinner tonight made by Barry and hopefully Max. Although, Max has been on the couch all day. Seems everything is catching up with him.
Made it to the library. I requested a couple of dvds. Tonight "Bedtime Stories" with Adam Sandler. Barry has to work tomorrow :( I am hoping to have very little cooking tomorrow. Bird and potatoes and gravy. I WILL
have everything else done. So I have the movie "It's Complicated" for me to watch. Can't wait. And the library also had the new version of "Clash of the Titans". So maybe some crafts and a movie day for us until Barry makes it home.
I got to see Nicci the horse yesterday and the new Icelandic ponies that arrived over there. The ponies are fab! Kindra put a blanket on Nicci to help her hold some heat in. She looks great and happy!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember to share all your thankfullness!!!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Wintery pics

It has been very blustery! Barry put some insulation in the chicken coop and put a heat lamp in there and it is still so cold in there that the water freezes. So a couple of times a day I have to drag fresh water out to chickens and bunnies. The bunnies are completely tarped with a bunch of hay so I think they are fairing o.k. Outside chores were chilly and Barry thinks it is funny watching me haul water.
Boys are having fun. The neighbors have been taking Max up to the school for a little downhill sledding.
Poor Coop has a sinus infection AND pink eye. Walmart was out of pink eye meds so we have been waiting to give him his treatments. 24 hours after eye drops and he shouldn't be contagious. I really do not want a whole family with pink eye!!!!
Tomorrow I need to start cooking my Thanksgiving spread!!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Turkey fun!

Cooper brought home a turkey he made at school. He was so excited to show us how to make one at home. He set up stations at the kitchen table with supplies for us to make our own. He was so cute explaining every thing in perfect detail.
So a couple of us sat down and made some. I looked at the clock and it was 6:30 in the morning!!!! My kitchen table went from clean to total chaos in the 20 minutes that he was out of bed :) No wonder I always feel so behind!!!
The boys are off from school for a week. It is teacher conference time! I don't expect any surprises Thankfully!!!!
We are making our way out of a round of colds. Wyatt some how has managed to avoid most of its discomforts. So we should be healthy for Turkey Day. Turkey day this year is going to be different. My sis won't be here. I am trying to make the best of it. We will have a smaller version of our normal fare. Less work for me. Barry is working Thanksgiving
day so I may just make our turkey the day before.
There has been a little improvement on my foot. It is still very painful and range of motion has a ways to go. But the P.T.
seems to think it is better. Easy for him to say :)
Made it to the gym two times this week. I have been using an exercise bike at physical therapy so I hopped on one at the gym. It feels good to get myself back in there. It is kind of a snobby place usually but they seem to have some new people working there that are pleasant. We have a gold's gym going in so maybe they are finally feeling some competition. The Gold's gym is going to be in a much better location for us. But I don't think the pool they are putting in is going to be as nice. We will have to see.
Yesterday the electric heating fireplace started to smell. I asked Wyatt if something happened to it. Did a toy or something fall in? No! So I had Barry look at it today. Crap! Legos in the heat element!!! Poor Wyatt. I told him next time just answer me so I can take care it. Poor kid.
Still only 3 of 5 chickens laying. I think we got 2 parakeets!
Weather is turning cold. Making caring for outside animals fun! We are trying to figure out how we are going to prevent water bowls from freezing.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween and a yard sale treasure

We had a fun halloween with Auntie, Auntie Carol! Barry ordered us some masks and we made full use of them!
Thanks for visiting Carol!!!!!
So I went to a yard sale on Friday! This saddle was there and I talked the gal down to $40.00! It was a mess but it cleaned up really nicely. The gal is a western/rodeo rider who bought it because she wanted to try english and quickly decided it was not for her. It was years ago and the saddle has been just sitting. I wish I would have taken a before picture. So it didn't come with a girth and the whole thing is stiff as a board. So I am going to watch ebay for a girth and I do not know if I like the stirrup leathers it came with. They are nylon lined so really thick I don't know how comfortable it will be. Then I need to hope that it fits Nici and that it is comfortable for her. Oh, and I need another saddle pad too :) If everything falls in to place it should be a nice saddle to hack around in. If it doesn't work out I will just craig list it and start over. But it really looks pretty.
I got on line yesterday and printed out some simple instructions for the saddle rack. It is small so you can put it in your "suv/van". Barry grabbed the plans went to Home Depot and got wood from the "scrap area". He said he spent $1.50 on wood!!! He was on it and finished everything in the morning! I love it!
We got a fabulous call from our friends Trish and Andrew. They were driving home from Milton Freewater yesterday and stopped by. We had a great visit. The boys loved showing them the chickens and bunnies. The visit was too short.
Well I am off to buy Max another pair of shoes. He wore out the pair he got at the beginning of the school year all ready!!!
This week I have to go in for a "deep cleaning" below the gum line kind of thing. I can't beleive it! And then Thursday is another physical therapy session. The kids have no school on Thursday which I think bites!
Have a great week everyone!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall is here

It has really been getting chilly at night. The house cools down really fast but is really cold in the morning. Makes for great sleeping but hard to get out of bed :) Makes for fabulous Mums in the garden too.

It was the book fair and that was Cooper's deal this week. Somewhere in his head he got the idea that he should be able to go purchase books nearly everyday. Barry took him after school one day and then he still wanted to go one more time. Needless to say, the "badger" was pursistant and he has a new collection of books.

Wyatt has been busy playing WII batman. Singing Wheels on the Bus" and Head Shoulders Knees and Toes". Although yesterday He and Coop came up with some new words to the head shoulders song. It was funny but slightly inappropriate :)

Max has been rollerblading. He built himself a wood ramp to jump on and off of. We are going to Home Depot today to check the "extra bin" for bigger scraps for a bigger ramp!

I have had the privilege of scrubbing Henrietta's chicken butt! She seems to have some digestive trouble and walks around filthy! I have to catch her flip her upside down and wash away! Anyway, it is no fun. But I can't stand the thought of an egg coming from that butt! Met the girls for coffee. Started physical therapy again.

Barry is still on the night shift and has had a few extra dinners or meetings lately. Because of some training we have extended night shift schedule. It is hard on all of us. We had one more polar bear swim for those who where willing and he has worked hard getting up early to start putting the pool away. It is a process. But we do enjoy that pool!

Made a temporary pond in the back. Coop had fun "fishing".

We visited with our friends Pam and Doug. Had a very nice dinner at Olive Garden. I had the "tour of Italy" and it was yummy! Brought some home for the next day. Pam and Doug are off to Florida. We wish them safe travels and will look forward to next Summer when they return to "home 1".

So we start another week. I am working at Wy's school on Thursday. I really wanted to hire someone but Wy has shamed me into working. Physical Therapy for me. Cooper is getting orthotics made. Barry is off until Wednesday night. I am hoping to get a ride in there. The weather is perfect for it.
Hope everyone has a great week!

Friday, October 8, 2010

List of things

!. Max lost another tooth. Cooper is still hanging on to a tooth that has only one root. And it has been that way for a week!
2. Worked at Wyatt's school on Tuesday. Doesn't disappoint. I am exhausted every time. Working again on the 21st.
Should I hire?
3. Weather cooling just a bit. Not ready for full on fall. But do like it chilly at night.
4. Barry modified the yard so that the chickens can't get on the patio. Very Nice!
5. Thursday noticed that after dropping Wyatt off at school and a quick shopping trip that there can actually be a couple of hours where Barry and I have the house to ourselves. Note to shopping for another time :)
6. Halloween decorations still in attic. Need to rally! Auntie, Auntie Carol coming for Halloween.
7. 3 eggs today!
8. After FIGHTING with Aentna now have 3 more physical therapy sessions for my foot. Foot still sucks
9. Made Lasagna today. Not as good as my Mom's but I Foodsavered 3 portions!!!!!!
10. I had a great Friday. I was lazy in the morning. Had a great ride on a wonderful horse. My boys had great friends over on an early release day. I have hot tubbed and now I am going to read a little and catch some early zzzzzzzzzz's.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Polar Bear Swim

The Polar Bear swim was so much fun this year. We had our friends The Vincents over for the event! Our neighbors came by too to join in on the fun. Barry had them doing 100 laps. They did them in between soaks in the hot tub. The water was cold! Hot Cocoa , cookies , a fire and lots of running around in the backyard. The boys got up this morning and all said "man, we had a great time last night". Wyatt said " I had so much fun with my friend Tyler and Baby Brooke"
Barry printed out little mini certificates for everyone to take home. Next year we are going to work on a more authentic certificate! Oh, the possibilities!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Henrietta is a layer!

Wyatt's chicken Henrietta has layed two eggs! Hers are starting out a good size. So we are getting a whopping 2 eggs a day now. B.B. had a good size one on Saturday and when we put in in our burger meat it turned out to be a double yoke! It is such a simple thing that is giving us such entertainment. Cooper is playing the waiting game still with Foxy Brown. I hope she hurries up! The other two pullets are some kind of mix of who knows what. Have no idea when they will lay.
I am making a batch of Joe's Special tonight for dinner! Eggs, beef, garlic, onions,mushrooms, fresh spinach! Yum!
Wyatt has a doctors appointment. I am hoping he will give us a referral for an allergist. His skin is in a constant state of a rash. Which he says doesn't bother him unless I try to put lotion or cortisone cream on it. It makes me sad to look at. Plus I don't want people to think that we don't care. Poor kid. I took a look at his vaccination card and I fear he needs a chicken pox shot booster. Yuck!
Also, we are back to fearing the dreaded hair trim. He cries when I comb it and I try to explain to him it would be easier if it was shorter and that it wouldn't hurt. Whatever!
Coop is really having an up and down start at school. He dreads Mondays. He finally opened up that it is his P.E. day and that they have to do a lot of running. Well this really is hard for him with his extreme flat feet. His right foot actually caves inward. We have a referral for the Podiatrist. Hopefully this will help him. But until then I sent his P.E. teacher an email to which I haven't heard back. You would think as a teacher you would check your emails first thing in the a.m. for any concerns parents may have and give them some kind of answer back. I don't know...I am just saying.
O.K. so I have a list of phone calls to make today and it is after lunch already and have only made a few.
Insurance company tops the list and then a couple of 4-H leaders to see if I can find a good match for the boys.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What we are reading

We set out to read three Hank the Cow Dog books and two Pippi Longstocking for our summer reading. Our reading time is right before bed and we managed to accomplish our goal. Although I can't find the first Hank book we read. It is buried in the house somewhere! We all really enjoyed the books. It is a little past summer but we didn't really start until the end of June. So I am cutting us some slack. Wyatt got a "Pillow Pet" for his birthday. He really likes it! Thank you Mom.
It is Saturday and we are up to a lot today. Max got invited to go to Pullman with a friend to the Cougar football game. Great opportunity for him and he was very excited.
I am going to go ride this morning but first I am going to make some ham and eggs. We have 3 fresh eggs. They arel pretty small. Still only one hen laying. Come on Chickens!!!!

Barry and Cooper and Wyatt are going to start harvesting pumpkins. It is always fun to see how many of them are actually hiding under all those vines.
If Max gets home at a good time we will head to Prosser for the Night Glow at the Balloon festival. A full day for us. !

Monday, September 20, 2010


I am thinking my son is so cool right now! Beatles t-shirt and a chicken in his hand!!! Love you Max!

Our first egg!

What a wait! You should have heard this chicken this morning. She was squawking and almost barking like a dog! I would go check on her and she really seemed to be a little worried about something. And after Wyatt and I took a little nap I went out to check on her and there in the nest box was the most perfect little egg.
This being our first time you sit and wonder if they will just plop down and let it go. But she did the right thing just like the books all say! Miss B.B. is Max's chicken and I couldn't wait to tell him when he got off the bus. He was smiles from ear to ear! He spent most of the rest of the afternoon talking to his girl and eventually was able to pick her up and hold her for awhile!
The egg was small but a great shell meaning that we are on the right nutritional track. This environment of animals and a garden makes me feel like we are showing our kids something real. The boys play video games and watch movies with futuristic figures in them and they love them. But I love that we are showing them another part of life! Wyatt an Coop can not wait for their chickens to lay. Cooper wants to "dissect " his egg to identify all the parts that he learned in kindergarten!
The timer is beeping for the banana bread that we made with the egg! Got to go!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First day of preschool Go Wyatt!

Wyatt's first day of preschool went great! After spending the last two weeks telling me that he wasn't going to go he went today with a smile! So pround of him. One who shall not be named (until October) took Wy to Chuck E Cheese. He had a blast! And when he turned in his coupons he got some things for himself and then bought his Mom a "saphire and diamond ring". I wore it proudly today to his school. Had a fabulous cup of coffee with Maryjoe! Some girl time is always great. Wyatt was tuckered out and so we read books and then took a very nice nap. I am always in for a nap :)
The new bunny, Hoppy (final name) is adjusting very well and Cooper spent some time brushing her in the bunny run today. Chickens are doing great too although, still no eggs.
My Mom was here last week and I need to shout out to her for helping me get some tomatoes in the dryer and some green beans in the freezer. Thanks Mom! She also washed the kitchen floor. That is a job!
Went out to pick some more beans and found some cucumbers! The plants got off to a bad start but I left them in the ground out of laziness. I really didn't even see a bloom on them until the end of July. I got 4 cucumbers and some more are growing! Yeah! You just never know.
Tomorrow; appointment with the foot doctor and then physical therapy. Had a set back last week but after some ultrasound therapy I bounced back. I even find myself wiggling my toes again when I am watching t.v.
This is a good sign.
Coop's teacher's daughter was ill last week so she is having her class open house tomorrow night.
7:30 and it is dark better put the chickens away!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Meet Hoppsy!

Wyatt had a nice birthday and thank you to all who sent birthday wishes. He had vanilla cake with green frosting and requested mini marshmallows on top! Which he picked off and didn't eat!
This little bunny has been at the feed store for a month. She is a Netherland Dwarf and very sweet. She is in a makeshift bunny hutch from the all versatile wire dog crate/chick brooder :) I looked everywhere for a hutch but found one on the internet with free shipping and it should be here in a few days. I am very excited! The bunny is for Cooper to replace the one that past away. R.I.P. Hopper. So I guess you can understand why her name is Hoppy!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wyatt's b-day!

Happy Birthday to my dear Wyatt! We love you so much! Enjoy your orange chicken and your vanilla cake with green frosting!

Monday, September 6, 2010

proof reading ? and toes

Max swung by the computer while I had my blog up and briefly read my blog and pointed out that I made a mistake. It was not Max and Wyatt's first day of school but Max and Coop's first day last week. I swear I am losing it!!!!!! I rarely call them by their correct name when I am talking to them and now I can't even keep them straight while blogging.

Bryan, Spencer and Ruby came for a visit! Ruby and I went and got our manicure and pedicure. We went last year and yet a great time so we decided to do it again! I was a little worried about my foot but the gal was careful. I always forget how nice it feels to have your feet done.
I started physical therapy this last week. I do alright while I am there but the next day it is very painful. I have work to do at home. There is still little movement in the joint. They all say that it will get better so I am doing my best to believe them.
I did manage to go see Nicci the horse. Max came along we put a bareback pad on her and trotted around a little. 5 weeks with no time in the saddle and I do notice that I am a bit wobbly. I suppose there is a small part of my mind that is thinking about the foot. Need to relax about that.

School is off to a good start. Max and Cooper both have family projects which are due on Thursday. Wyatt has orientation on Thursday and it is also his birthday. My little guy is going to be 5! He can not stop talking about it. I have no idea what to get him. He changes his mind every hour.

Barry is going on his Front line Supervisor training in Fort Worth with his stop in Nebraska/Iowa. He starts the night shift when he gets back and then he goes to Seattle for a football game. Home in time to go back to work. This will be the last time I am going to mention him in this blog until at least October. It will take me that long to have anything nice to say. I will say this....I hope the next time Barry tries get people to feel sorry for him that they remind him of his travels.

Fall is in the air. I already miss summer. Usually by now I am excited for the weather to change. Summer took so long to get here this year I hate to see it go.

School has started. I not only know this because the boys go but because Cooper caught a cold and gave it to Wyatt. And so the year begins.

Off to ice my foot. Hope everyone has a great week!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fair and first day of school

We had so much fun at the fair. I gave the boys ten dollars and watched them walk over to the sno-cone booth. Forgetting to tell them that all they needed were smalls. You guessed it they came back all proud with larges. And very little change back. But that is the type of thing you can do when you leave Big Daddy home. For the first year they were very happy to be in the animal barns. Which just really made my day. No rides! Only grossly expensive games. For cheap toys. Wyatt lost and proceeded to scream at the top of his lungs. Lord it was bad! It is so unexpected coming from him. But now becoming more regular. Anyway, we moved on and the boys finished the day with an elephant ear and I had a lemonade slushy. They all are excited to see if we can join a 4-H group so I am going to check in to that. We have some pretty chickens that we could take.
Today is the first day of school for Max and Wyatt and they were so excited. Max said he had butterflies in his tummy and Coop was just being goofy. I woke up this morning around three and started feeling sad about them going and over thinking their first day. Crazy. They really needed to go back. That playroom has not been clean for more than an hour since they started their vacation!!!!
I am off to my first physical therapy session. I am not looking forward to it as I don't like anyone really touching it or even brushing by it. I hope I don't spontainiously kick the therapist :o
All for now!!!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Fair Week!!!!

Hurray it is fair week! I plan on going. I will not let this foot stop me. We know two families that have various fair entries and I hope we run in to them or atleast see their animals and "wares".
Cooper really wants to see the rabbits and look in to getting his own again. We will see.
I am hoping the boys can keep their ride needs to a minimum. It is so expensive!

Our friend Tanner got a new job in Seattle and will be driving through on Wednesday and is going to stay.
We are all excited to see him and hang out!

For me I have an appointment on Wednesday for the foot. I am hoping he will have good news for me that I can start ditching the boot. Although, the foot still swells and I don't know what shoe I will be able to wear. I do sometimes use a sandal for short little jobs around here but it really is not supportive or comfortable. I will have to see.
Boys are all good. Wyatt can not stop talking about his birthday. Cooper has taken to teasing. And Max is trying to use poor vocabulary in front of his Dad which is not going over very well. Oh, and I can't forget to mention that Coop likes to flip the bird which he learned from Max. Here's hoping that I laugh about all this someday.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

This and That


Ahhh! Much better!

My husband takes good care of me! Sometimes. Beer and Tequila!
That will fix me!
Foot is getting better everyday. I can't wait to get back in a routine.
Beginning of summer I really thought that we weren't going to get much out of the garden. Onions, tomatoes, carrots and basil have done pretty well.
I made a batch of pesto and froze some. Started drying tomatoes in the dehydrator for winter pizzas. Getting ready to harvast the carrots. I will freeze those as well as some chopped onion. We did get a Foodsaver. Man, it rocks!!!!!!
The boys have their last swimming lesson today. Both Max and Coop advanced a level. They feel great about that.
Wyatt quit lessons. I couldn't believe the tantrum he had in the pool. "I don't want swimming lessons!!!!!!" I thought it was Max or Cooper. Usually, I can get him to calm down and reason a little but he was having none of it. My foot is not ready to get in the pool with 20 kids swimming around so Wyatt is getting out of it. For now.
Chickens are just a couple of weeks away from laying. We have some work to do on the coop. Need to change a few roosting boards and get the nesting boxes ready. We can't wait. After hearing about the egg recall I am excited to know where our eggs come from.
Wyatt is counting the days until his birthday. So hard for a 4 year old to watch his 2 brothers have their birthdays and he has to wait. He cries so hard and walks up to his room and hides under his covers. Poor little guy. It is getting closer Wyatt!
The temp is going to be perfect for awhile. The pool is nice too! A little under two weeks until school so I want to just enjoy the rest of our time. Some things will have to wait.
I am feeling so unsettled about the state of this country's economy. Feeling guilty about some of this families excess. I want to work harder at making do with what we have. To a point :)
All for now! Thanks for checking my blog!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I managed

I managed to actually do a few things around here yesterday! Short spurts of accomplishments and resting on the couch in between to rest my foot. I cooked a little and actually was able to have a small dinner for Barry when he got home. Did some laundry. Hung out with the bunny and chickens for a bit. Pulled a few weeds. The boys did great at playing together. Hardly any fighting. Knock on wood. Cooper used birthday money to order a Lego game. They make these great little board type games using lego pieces etc. Coop, Max and even Wyatt sits down to play. Wyatt even wins sometimes :)
I wish that I had more to say. I have been able to manage my pain with mostly Ibuprofen so I feel like I have a brain again. The pain was pretty tough to take the first week so I was needing to take the pain pills around the clock. I couldn't even really enjoy reading because the pages would get blurry and then I would fall asleep! Feeling a little more coherent this week. Just a little. :D

Saturday, August 7, 2010


I am having a rough day today. My foot has been giving me some pain. I don't know if I over did it or if it is just the way it goes. To top it off the boot that I have to wear makes my lower right side of my back just ACHE!
I suppose because the boot throws everything out of wack! I use to look at the boot as comfort and confidence and protection. Now all I see is total pain and the thought of that it is the only way I can get around for a couple of weeks. The family isn't holding up very well either. Everyone keeps fighting! Barry and Max are the worst. I am like "it hasn't even been two weeks yet, the Dr. said I wasn't going to really be able to do anything for 3 weeks at least" And Max of course is blaming me because "I had to go and have surgery on my foot and it is making Dad all cranky".
On an up note.....Barry picked up almost all of the school supplies!!!!!!!!! We just need to get kids some new shoes and a couple shirts and shorts and they will be ready for the new school year. I have to say this seems like it has been the quickest summer ever! Their swim lessons has been going great and they are considering continuing them after summer. I am so glad because it is such a good skill to have.
Our weather is getting a little better. Out of the upper 90's and back to upper 80's next week. Which I think is perfect. Hopefully, some gardening is in my future! That usually cheers me up.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So this is it! This is what all the hubub is about. They went in to the joint and cleaned out the spurs and arthritis and then at the foot bone area cut in and made a new space so that the joint could function. Then put a screw in. There is a reason for the screw and it makes total sense when I am talking to the doctor but for the life of me I can't explain it. One more week with the stitches. Went to the Doctors today and he said that everything looks to be on target. Advil is working so I am getting back to normal. In many ways :)

Cooper had a great birthday and a big Thank You to everyone for sending gifts his way. His dinner of choice is crab and steak. Grandma Bean was here (we said Happy B-day to her) and all enjoyed a huge dinner with vanilla cake and chocolate frosting! He got a new lava lamp!!!!!!! And more legos (ugh) It was a nice day.

Huge day for Wyatt. He saw his first Praying Mantis of the season! He loves that!
All for now as my foot is starting to talk to me!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Out of 6 chicks hatched 3 were roosters. Now I did not get to name them. Only the one in the middle.

B.B. is the black beauty on the left. Then Talula Lu in the middle and Mo on the right. The white ones are smaller than B.B. The roosters went over to the horse barn a couple of blocks away so we will be able to visit.

They will be living under and in a little willow tree. I am trying to find Barry's camera so I can show everyone.

The girls are acting a little confused. I think they are learning to think for themselves after being bossed around by those boys :)

Had a great time in Seattle. Here is a pic of me and niece Ava Joan with Auntie Niki shucking corn.
And look quick everybody the Gellner boys got there pic taken on the hammock!
Like everyone we have been really busy. The weather has been awesome and we have been outside in the pool alot.
Hope you all are having a great summer.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

So much going on!

The Chicken coop is finished. Well, for the most part. I think that we will always be updating it in some way. Right before our 12th wedding anniversary! There were many disagreements. Imagine that. But we managed to see our way through. This morning was so grand. I opened up the shoot from the coop to the run and watched them all wander out!!!! No getting down and crawling around trying to catch them. Getting scratched and pooped on! I think I am close to getting all the little chick down feathers out of the kitchen area. Barry worked very hard yesterday and even got the nesting boxes on the building. They are outside with a hinged top so that when we are collecting eggs we won't have to go in the coop to get them. Hopefully, they will take to the nesting boxes and not just lay them where ever. Things to look forward to.

We had a complete spectrum of emotions yesterday. We had to put Cooper's bunny Hopper down. We have no idea what could have happened to him. He was playing with Cute in the grass run one minute and then a half an hour later Barry said "this bunny has a broken foot!" I was painting the coop and I just couldn't believe it. The poor bunny's foot was literally turned outwards. I was frantic. Checking the internet. Calling the vet. Vet services for rabbits are more than what you would pay for a dog or cat. We are talking $400.00 to like $800.00 to reset his leg and then follow ups.

I just feel so sad and sick about the whole thing. Cooper's little heart is just broken. I have read many posts on the internet about rabbits breaking their legs. They really are a very fragile animal (I knew pygmy goats would have been better!). How my childhood bunny ever survived I do not know. There were a lot of posts from people who said if you are going to own a bunny be a responsible owner and be prepared to spend $800.00 or whatever to fix your bunny. That is so much money. I really think that Hopper would have experienced so much pain and then their is the isolation because you have to keep them so still (if you can) and even then he may not have been healed and that is if she would to make it through the surgery. I just hope we did the right thing. We love you Hopper R.I.P. Miss you.

Fulfillment from the finished chicken coop and run. Extreme sadness from the loss of Hopper. Huge excitement with Max's baseball team. They played a great game last night. They play again Wednesday.

Max had a couple of great hits and played both first base and right field. As you all know I really struggled with the amount of time this family was going to have to dedicate but it has been a very nice experience and Max feels great about his accomplishments. I will actually be a little sad when it is over. Go figure.

It is time to really get back in the garden and get this house caught up a bit. I am not going to have as much in the garden as I want. I will have to rely a little more on the Richland Farmers Market to preserve what I want to this year. That is o.k. though because the time spent on the chickens has been well worth it and there is always next year.

Wyatt had an amazing school year. He started out shy and didn't want to go. He kept to himself. By the end of the year he could not wait to play with his friends and loved to go. Huge year for him! He loves to sing. He remembers songs that he learned and words movies and commercials! So funny. We checked out Monty Python and the Holy Grail from the library and the boys and I laughed so hard one night. The next day Wy was walking around the house yelling "bring out your dead". Sorry but that is funny! Age appropriate? No. But funny? Yes!
This is the last week of school. Barry is up there right now helping with Field Day. I am cleaning the house. Well that is what I am supposed to be doing. So far I have been uploading the pictures and updating the blog. :)
Cooper's class is having "Fun in the Sun" today. He even got to wear his bathing suit today so I hope he is having fun. He needs it!
I also hope my sister has a good meeting today with the railroad. She needs that. I am hoping for a non eventful day for us. Something nurturing to our soul and relaxing to our tired out bodies :) Hope you all have a great one too!