Saturday, February 12, 2011

New fence

We are trying to cope with having a puppy. The other day she got into the chicken run and chased a chicken over the fence and into the neighbors yard where the poor chicken didn't make it back over before their dog got a hold of her. Poor Cooper was very sad because it was his chicken. We knew that if a chicken got out of our yard it didn't stand a very good chance. So......we had to move up our goal of a new chicken yard. After alot of painting, 2 coats Barry was able to get it all up except for the gate which he will put up some other time. For now a temporary gate is working just fine. After focusing so much time on it we need a break. So it is doing great for keeping dogs out. But today I saw a chicken on the top board :( I am going to try and clip more feathers from their wings. After spring we will get a few more chickens but not until I do some reading on the breed that is least likely to be able to fly. These little ones get air way to easy!

Lucy has been chewing a few things. She got a hold of one of Barry's favorite hats. Then my big down coat that always keeps me warm. Finally, Max's favorite hat and there is usually a few legos. Yikes!