Monday, September 27, 2010

Henrietta is a layer!

Wyatt's chicken Henrietta has layed two eggs! Hers are starting out a good size. So we are getting a whopping 2 eggs a day now. B.B. had a good size one on Saturday and when we put in in our burger meat it turned out to be a double yoke! It is such a simple thing that is giving us such entertainment. Cooper is playing the waiting game still with Foxy Brown. I hope she hurries up! The other two pullets are some kind of mix of who knows what. Have no idea when they will lay.
I am making a batch of Joe's Special tonight for dinner! Eggs, beef, garlic, onions,mushrooms, fresh spinach! Yum!
Wyatt has a doctors appointment. I am hoping he will give us a referral for an allergist. His skin is in a constant state of a rash. Which he says doesn't bother him unless I try to put lotion or cortisone cream on it. It makes me sad to look at. Plus I don't want people to think that we don't care. Poor kid. I took a look at his vaccination card and I fear he needs a chicken pox shot booster. Yuck!
Also, we are back to fearing the dreaded hair trim. He cries when I comb it and I try to explain to him it would be easier if it was shorter and that it wouldn't hurt. Whatever!
Coop is really having an up and down start at school. He dreads Mondays. He finally opened up that it is his P.E. day and that they have to do a lot of running. Well this really is hard for him with his extreme flat feet. His right foot actually caves inward. We have a referral for the Podiatrist. Hopefully this will help him. But until then I sent his P.E. teacher an email to which I haven't heard back. You would think as a teacher you would check your emails first thing in the a.m. for any concerns parents may have and give them some kind of answer back. I don't know...I am just saying.
O.K. so I have a list of phone calls to make today and it is after lunch already and have only made a few.
Insurance company tops the list and then a couple of 4-H leaders to see if I can find a good match for the boys.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What we are reading

We set out to read three Hank the Cow Dog books and two Pippi Longstocking for our summer reading. Our reading time is right before bed and we managed to accomplish our goal. Although I can't find the first Hank book we read. It is buried in the house somewhere! We all really enjoyed the books. It is a little past summer but we didn't really start until the end of June. So I am cutting us some slack. Wyatt got a "Pillow Pet" for his birthday. He really likes it! Thank you Mom.
It is Saturday and we are up to a lot today. Max got invited to go to Pullman with a friend to the Cougar football game. Great opportunity for him and he was very excited.
I am going to go ride this morning but first I am going to make some ham and eggs. We have 3 fresh eggs. They arel pretty small. Still only one hen laying. Come on Chickens!!!!

Barry and Cooper and Wyatt are going to start harvesting pumpkins. It is always fun to see how many of them are actually hiding under all those vines.
If Max gets home at a good time we will head to Prosser for the Night Glow at the Balloon festival. A full day for us. !

Monday, September 20, 2010


I am thinking my son is so cool right now! Beatles t-shirt and a chicken in his hand!!! Love you Max!

Our first egg!

What a wait! You should have heard this chicken this morning. She was squawking and almost barking like a dog! I would go check on her and she really seemed to be a little worried about something. And after Wyatt and I took a little nap I went out to check on her and there in the nest box was the most perfect little egg.
This being our first time you sit and wonder if they will just plop down and let it go. But she did the right thing just like the books all say! Miss B.B. is Max's chicken and I couldn't wait to tell him when he got off the bus. He was smiles from ear to ear! He spent most of the rest of the afternoon talking to his girl and eventually was able to pick her up and hold her for awhile!
The egg was small but a great shell meaning that we are on the right nutritional track. This environment of animals and a garden makes me feel like we are showing our kids something real. The boys play video games and watch movies with futuristic figures in them and they love them. But I love that we are showing them another part of life! Wyatt an Coop can not wait for their chickens to lay. Cooper wants to "dissect " his egg to identify all the parts that he learned in kindergarten!
The timer is beeping for the banana bread that we made with the egg! Got to go!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First day of preschool Go Wyatt!

Wyatt's first day of preschool went great! After spending the last two weeks telling me that he wasn't going to go he went today with a smile! So pround of him. One who shall not be named (until October) took Wy to Chuck E Cheese. He had a blast! And when he turned in his coupons he got some things for himself and then bought his Mom a "saphire and diamond ring". I wore it proudly today to his school. Had a fabulous cup of coffee with Maryjoe! Some girl time is always great. Wyatt was tuckered out and so we read books and then took a very nice nap. I am always in for a nap :)
The new bunny, Hoppy (final name) is adjusting very well and Cooper spent some time brushing her in the bunny run today. Chickens are doing great too although, still no eggs.
My Mom was here last week and I need to shout out to her for helping me get some tomatoes in the dryer and some green beans in the freezer. Thanks Mom! She also washed the kitchen floor. That is a job!
Went out to pick some more beans and found some cucumbers! The plants got off to a bad start but I left them in the ground out of laziness. I really didn't even see a bloom on them until the end of July. I got 4 cucumbers and some more are growing! Yeah! You just never know.
Tomorrow; appointment with the foot doctor and then physical therapy. Had a set back last week but after some ultrasound therapy I bounced back. I even find myself wiggling my toes again when I am watching t.v.
This is a good sign.
Coop's teacher's daughter was ill last week so she is having her class open house tomorrow night.
7:30 and it is dark better put the chickens away!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Meet Hoppsy!

Wyatt had a nice birthday and thank you to all who sent birthday wishes. He had vanilla cake with green frosting and requested mini marshmallows on top! Which he picked off and didn't eat!
This little bunny has been at the feed store for a month. She is a Netherland Dwarf and very sweet. She is in a makeshift bunny hutch from the all versatile wire dog crate/chick brooder :) I looked everywhere for a hutch but found one on the internet with free shipping and it should be here in a few days. I am very excited! The bunny is for Cooper to replace the one that past away. R.I.P. Hopper. So I guess you can understand why her name is Hoppy!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wyatt's b-day!

Happy Birthday to my dear Wyatt! We love you so much! Enjoy your orange chicken and your vanilla cake with green frosting!

Monday, September 6, 2010

proof reading ? and toes

Max swung by the computer while I had my blog up and briefly read my blog and pointed out that I made a mistake. It was not Max and Wyatt's first day of school but Max and Coop's first day last week. I swear I am losing it!!!!!! I rarely call them by their correct name when I am talking to them and now I can't even keep them straight while blogging.

Bryan, Spencer and Ruby came for a visit! Ruby and I went and got our manicure and pedicure. We went last year and yet a great time so we decided to do it again! I was a little worried about my foot but the gal was careful. I always forget how nice it feels to have your feet done.
I started physical therapy this last week. I do alright while I am there but the next day it is very painful. I have work to do at home. There is still little movement in the joint. They all say that it will get better so I am doing my best to believe them.
I did manage to go see Nicci the horse. Max came along we put a bareback pad on her and trotted around a little. 5 weeks with no time in the saddle and I do notice that I am a bit wobbly. I suppose there is a small part of my mind that is thinking about the foot. Need to relax about that.

School is off to a good start. Max and Cooper both have family projects which are due on Thursday. Wyatt has orientation on Thursday and it is also his birthday. My little guy is going to be 5! He can not stop talking about it. I have no idea what to get him. He changes his mind every hour.

Barry is going on his Front line Supervisor training in Fort Worth with his stop in Nebraska/Iowa. He starts the night shift when he gets back and then he goes to Seattle for a football game. Home in time to go back to work. This will be the last time I am going to mention him in this blog until at least October. It will take me that long to have anything nice to say. I will say this....I hope the next time Barry tries get people to feel sorry for him that they remind him of his travels.

Fall is in the air. I already miss summer. Usually by now I am excited for the weather to change. Summer took so long to get here this year I hate to see it go.

School has started. I not only know this because the boys go but because Cooper caught a cold and gave it to Wyatt. And so the year begins.

Off to ice my foot. Hope everyone has a great week!