Monday, September 6, 2010

proof reading ? and toes

Max swung by the computer while I had my blog up and briefly read my blog and pointed out that I made a mistake. It was not Max and Wyatt's first day of school but Max and Coop's first day last week. I swear I am losing it!!!!!! I rarely call them by their correct name when I am talking to them and now I can't even keep them straight while blogging.

Bryan, Spencer and Ruby came for a visit! Ruby and I went and got our manicure and pedicure. We went last year and yet a great time so we decided to do it again! I was a little worried about my foot but the gal was careful. I always forget how nice it feels to have your feet done.
I started physical therapy this last week. I do alright while I am there but the next day it is very painful. I have work to do at home. There is still little movement in the joint. They all say that it will get better so I am doing my best to believe them.
I did manage to go see Nicci the horse. Max came along we put a bareback pad on her and trotted around a little. 5 weeks with no time in the saddle and I do notice that I am a bit wobbly. I suppose there is a small part of my mind that is thinking about the foot. Need to relax about that.

School is off to a good start. Max and Cooper both have family projects which are due on Thursday. Wyatt has orientation on Thursday and it is also his birthday. My little guy is going to be 5! He can not stop talking about it. I have no idea what to get him. He changes his mind every hour.

Barry is going on his Front line Supervisor training in Fort Worth with his stop in Nebraska/Iowa. He starts the night shift when he gets back and then he goes to Seattle for a football game. Home in time to go back to work. This will be the last time I am going to mention him in this blog until at least October. It will take me that long to have anything nice to say. I will say this....I hope the next time Barry tries get people to feel sorry for him that they remind him of his travels.

Fall is in the air. I already miss summer. Usually by now I am excited for the weather to change. Summer took so long to get here this year I hate to see it go.

School has started. I not only know this because the boys go but because Cooper caught a cold and gave it to Wyatt. And so the year begins.

Off to ice my foot. Hope everyone has a great week!

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