Friday, June 26, 2009

Grandpa's visit

We had a very nice visit from my Dad. The kids managed to hold up fairly well. They were really busy with vacation bible school in the morning and then played with friends in the afternoon. Grandpa Bob is calling the boys The Three Muskateers. "All for one and one for all!" I think I will get some books from the library about them. It would be interesting for the boys to learn about them. O.K. mostly because of the swords :) We have some pics so we will have to get those downloaded and posted soon.

I wish I was better at organizing things. We have a busy couple of weeks ahead. First up is Max's b'day. He wants to have a sleepover. We are limiting it to 2 guests. It is all I can really handle having 5 boys in the house for 24 hours. Then we are staying home for the 4th but we have a fun day in the neighborhood celebrating. I like to have a yummy 4th of July celebration. Then the day after is our trip camping to meet up with Spencer and Ruby Gellner. We have lots to do to get ready for that. I am already thinking that I better get started sorting clothes and purchasing supplies for the beginning of the school year. Since all 3 boys will be going to some kind of school next year. I can not wait!

O.K. lunch and then off to a birthday party. And will you look at that.....Grandpa Bob actually checked the blog!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hi Mom and Niki

Hi! I am talking to my sister and mother on the phone and I wanted to share my flags I made for summer mostly for 4th of July. They look better in person!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Garden update

Weeds! Weeds! Weeds! Even though Barry has installed filters on the irrigation we still have a lot of weeds. But, we have good things going on too. We have been enjoying lettuce from the garden. Everything else has been growing great. We will have tons and tons of tomatoes this year. The raspberries are getting established. The Dahlias are up too!

The school year is officially over. I need to make a note to find a "camp for boys" for next summer (kind of kidding)! Wyatt has figured out how to spit. So he keeps spitting on his brothers! Max has decided to tell little white lies and Cooper thinks it is very funny to tease. Until one of the others smacks him then he cries for an hour.

It is 10:30 on a Sunday morning and Max already has a friend over. I think I will put my Mp3 on and just tune them all out. Hope you all are having a much quieter day :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009


The neighbors across the street are moving and they had a yard sale today. Earlier in the week I thought about having one too but the week got a way from me and I didn't do much about it. But when the kids saw the neighbors having theres they really wanted to sell some toys. So even though I wasn't ready, we threw some stuff out at the end of the driveway and gave it a try. We got rid of a few things but all in all a complete waste of time! Now I need to get the rest of my work done! It probably would have gone better if Barry was here and could help with the kids. Now we are off to the Goodwill and grocerey store.

Monday, June 8, 2009

coop's end of the year picnic

The pic on the left is this year and the other is from last year. He gets so silly about having his picture taken with his teachers. He really does like his teachers. I think he just gets a little shy and embarrassed.

I am just really far behind lately. The boys have been really challenging lately. All they have been doing is teasing and fighting. I feel like I am going to have a heart attack!

Monday, June 1, 2009

busy, busy, busy!

Wow! We are way behind on our blogs. Lots of pics to share. The cameras are full!

Coop's end of the year picnic was a bunch of fun and his pic with his teacher is hilarious. Mostly, because he has the very same look on his face as his pic last year with last years teacher. I am going to try and put them both on here.

I am very proud of Max. He saved his money up for a real bow and has spent a lot of time practicing with the target and also practicing safety. Barry has pics of that on his blog.

Wyatt is the bug kid. He has been spending lots of time turning rocks over in the yard to look for rollie pollies. I am glad he is having so much fun but the rocks of course don't get put back. You can tell when he has made a pass through one of the gardens :)

I painted the master bedroom! I am really glad that it is done. Barry wanted it all done in one day. I managed but was exuasted afterward AND I see some spots that need fixin! I rewarded myself with a new quilt for the bed. It will be so nice to have a new look in there. We have been here 12 years! The house is really showing it too!

June already! One more month and Max will be 10 years old. Yikes! 12 days and Barry and I will be married for 11 years. What a whirlwind we have been on!