Sunday, March 30, 2008

What is the deal with the weather!

Man, I am getting tired of this unsettled weather. I should feel like going out but it has been snowing and hailing off and on all weekend. When we moved over here the first week of April 11 years ago I was in shorts! I don't think that is going to happen this year. Barry was off this weekend and we didn't really get anything done. Laundry was big on the list and getting caught up on some rest. Max and I went to the gym yesterday morning and rode the bikes together. That was very cool being able to work out with my 8 year old. When he got home the phone starting ringing and two of his friends came over to play. You can see the pic of them with the hockey sticks. We got some good news yesterday. Max's best friend for the last 4 years is not moving to 20 acres in North Pasco. They have decided to put their plans on hold. We all love Will and are glad that he will be close at least for a little while longer. Max and he have actually rode their bikes to each others house. It was nerve wracking at first. But I made it through :)
It was the Kids Choice Awards last night. We had fun. It is kind of my thing and it was fun watching the kids have their favorites shows and celebrities.
Cooper has a bad cold. He is really in badger mode today! He really does start acting like a badger when he is crabby. Just ask any one of us!
Wyatt of course has just been cruising through the weekend like he always does. He now enjoys reading books together. Before, he always tried to grab the book or turn the page. Now he is letting us read some words in the book and identifying things. This is very fun for me. I could read different books all day.
Barry is taking the kids to swim at the gym. I am going to stay home and get a head start on the week.
Thank you Auntie Niki for the great pic of Barry and I over the holidays! Cooper asked today when she was coming back over.
Grandma Betty will be here on April 7th. My birthday is on the 5th. Looking forward to some time with my husband after Betty gets here!!!! Dinner or a movie, I hope!
All for now.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Help please

Is Spencer 11 or 12 years old. Someone let me know!!!!

What a busy weekend

We all had a very busy weekend! The boys went to the local egg hunt on Saturday and came home with lots of stuff. Coop had a great time at his friend Katies birthday party. They had an egg hunt there. There must have been 200 eggs there just for the kids at the party. Bouncy house and good food and cake! It was a sunny day and I forgot to bring my camera. Way, to go Mom! He wants to go back and play AND he wants Katie to come here and play. This is a major break through for Coop as Katie is a girl and he has always said that he doesn't have "girl" friends.

We spent Sunday at Grandma and Grandpas. Wyatt got a special ride on Grandpa's tractor. Cooper had bubble time with Grandma. Max and Ruby rode 4 wheelers almost all day. In the snow and rain and mud! They were very cute together. We brought Max's little electrice bike and Spencer got on that. It reminded me of my Uncle Sam when he would make those little mini bikes. It is hard to beleive that Spenc is 12 years old now. Yikes. We lost Hailey for awhile. She went right down the side of the mountain. Barry was in charge of her. After a search party was sent out she was found. I am so thankful. And so is Barry as he was facing some major charges against him for not keeping an eye on her! :) I have to mention that my day was not with out its challenges. Seems I had trouble handling glasses and vases on table tops. I made my share of messes that day.

So we are back at it today. Max is still tired and sleeping in but making it to school. We had Tanner (he works with Barry) over yesterday. When Max got home from school they all had a sport evening. Chipping golf balls in the backyard. Tennis, hockey and catch with the football in the front. We had Burger King for the kids and Panda Express for the adults. Yum!

So make sure you check out Barry updated yesterday!

Have a good day

Friday, March 21, 2008

Its official, its Spring!

I am so excited to have winter over with. Things are really starting to green up. We have daffodils in the front yard and the climbing rose bush is getting its leaves. Max is off from school today. The boys are restless. We are going to run some errands and then head to the pool at the gym. Although it is sunny outside, it is pretty windy so I don't think we will be outside much.
Wyatt has learned to say "thank you" although you have to know that is what he is saying. Every time I get him something to eat he says "than 000". I just love hearing it. The other two haven't influenced him yet. He is still trying to be polite.
Coop has a new boy in his class. His name is Zane. Coop just met him yesterday and he can't stop talking about him. The teacher said they played together the whole class. I got a little sad because I didn't want his other friend Jonah to be left out. I thought it was great though that Coop played with the new kid.
My neighbor made too much smoothie the other day and brought me a cup. How thoughtful is that! So now me, Coop and Wy are hooked on smoothies. If we could just get Max on them.
Happy Spring everyone!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Gal Gadget

This is to all the gal pals out there. I wanted to share with you the Reynolds Wrap Handi-vac.
It is a system for removing all of the air out of the freezer bag. Barry was skeptical at first but he has approved it! We have always wanted one of those counter top units but never really wanted to give up counter space. This one is small and just fits in a drawer. You have to buy bags that go with it but the money you save by buying larger quantities makes up for it. I just never was any good at making sure all of the air is out of the bag. Now I can freeze with confidence! I payed $10.00 for mine but when I was at Walmart they had them for $6.94! The do take 6 AA batteries. They last a long time because you don't use them everyday!
Happy freezing!

Astronaut Coop

Coop found the astronaut costume he got for his birthday from Auntie Carol and Aunt Elaine. He has been wearing it constantly! He is very smart looking in it.
We had one of Barry's co-workers over for dinner last night. Poor Max gets upset about sharing his Dad with someone else. He just gets overwhelmed with emotion and doesn't know how to express it properly. They have always spent a lot of time together.
It was haircut day for Dad and Coop and wouldn't you know it I caught Coops ears with the scissors. He was doing such a great job of sitting still until then. Poor kid. He was mad. He likes his hair short and spikey! With lots of gel. Wyatt needs his hair cut the most but he is having nothing to do with it. We had it cut at Christmas and he scared every other kid at Monkey Dooz with his screaming. We will just leave it for now. I think Barry and Max have come to terms on a length for now. The kids at his school wear their hair longer than Barry likes.
We are looking forward to a busy weekend. Saturday is the community egg hunt and also a birthday party for one of Coops friends from school. It is his first official invite and he is very excited. Sunday we are off to Grandma and Grandpa Gellner's for Easter festivities.
If I don't get back to this blog, have a Happy Easter!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Back to school

Wow, Max is back to school today. The house is quiet this morning. No fighting. It was a big day for Max yesterday. He had his appliance removed. He has a temporary retainer to make sure his is jaw stays in place. He will get the real one at the end of the month. He was so nervous to go to school. He said he didn't want anyone to laugh. Plus he was worried he would lose it during lunch. I am sure he is doing fine. Poor kid. His mouth looks great though and he has plenty of room for his adult teeth.
I wish I could show you a pic of Coop. He was totally naked walking around in Barry's huge boots. It was so cute and he was laughing and he thought he was truly talented. He can sure make us laugh.
Wyatt is so easy going again. Getting clothes on. Going outside to play. He loves to dig in the dirt outside. He gets filthy. We got a Lego catologue in the mail the other day. It is the first think he looks at in the morning. He goes through and points to all the things he likes.
I finished my book the other day. Barry said that I must not have liked it because I wanted to finish it so fast. If I really liked it I would have taken my time. So that said. I am on to another book. Hopefully, by the same author. I am hooked.
It is raining today. Hailey doesn't like the rain. I have found as I have been gone from Seattle that I don't much like it either. So it will be a day of wiping paws at the back door. O.K. I can hear Coop getting into something. I hear a chair being moved in the kitchen. Never good!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


We had our conference yesterday with Max's teacher. He is doing so great. He is reading at 5th grade level! We are very proud of him. Mrs. Kenmore said that he has lots of friends and the kids really like to be with him. My proudest moment yesterday was when the she said that he made her day the other day. He told her "Mrs. Kenmore you are the best, best teacher". My first thought was that he had figured out that he does indeed have the Gellner charm. :)
I have been deep into the book "The Other Boleyn Girl. Soon to be a movie. It is an easy read and has me engrossed. Some smut. Not too much. Very interesting.
Today, Barry is going to go work in Coops class. Max is home from school until Thursday. There has been a sea of kids coming and going the last few days. I am going to finish that book!
Have a great day!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Long day for Coopcoop

Well, Cooper needed glasses. It took all day for the process. He and Barry were very tuckered out when they got home. He is farsighted. They said that it was very minimal but that when he does things like art or reading books that he probably needs them. Barry noticed a difference when they were testing him after they adjusted his sight. So they said that he can wear them all the time. I don't know how I feel about that, but I don't know how to get a 4 year old to put his glasses away when he doesn't need them either. He is in great spirits about it though. He is such a champ!
Check out his pic at Barry posted some pics last night.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sunny day!

Big day today. Cooper is going for his eye exam at 11:00. We have never heard him complain about his eyes so I am hoping he will be fine. I hooked up with my friend Jamie for coffee yesterday. We had Wyatt and her daughter Natalie. They were awsome. So patient. I got to have a great girl chat. It is going to be a very sunny day so after I get somewhat caught up in the house I hope to work outside again. I will need to stay busy while I wait for Barry and Coop to get home. I love this pic of Wyatt that Jamie took for us. Have a good day.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Hurray it is March!

I can't believe it has taken me so long to post. We haven't really done all that much this week. Max's class went to see a high school presentation of Seussical. He had a good time. He has been doing great on his spelling tests each week so he managed to convince his Dad to take him to Zumies and buy him a new sweatshirt. Cooper's preschool had the state come and do hearing and eye exams. They have suggested that we take Coop to see an eye doctor. So I need to set that up. Hopefully, all will be alright. Wyatt was with me when Coop was being tested and so they tested him and he is doing great!

Eevee has been up to her old tricks again. Digging in the yard and garden beds. She roots around and finds the inground drip system and rips it out of the ground and chews big holes in it. It makes for very stressful living around here. I was hoping to plant more vegatables and start a raspberry patch but I don't know. I am just fed up with all our food going up in price. Is anyone else? I thought I could feel a little better if I could just grow some of my own. Milk is $3.08 a gallon and these boys are going through 3 gallons or more a week! So anyway, Eevee is on my list! She better hope I don't learn how to post on craigs list next!

It is Saturday and Barry is working for the next 3 days. There is not a room in this house that does not have toys on the floor. Wyatt and Cooper get things out and just leave them wherever they are done playing with them. So my work is cut out for me today. I had better get on it and also check on everyone. Yesterday, Coop bit Wyatt on the stomach really bad. Broke skin. Perfect bite mark. It was very sad. So I need to keep a close eye on him and that Eevee dog.

Thank God for the sanity I have with Hailey dog!!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!