Monday, August 24, 2009

Quick post

We had a great weekend. My Mom and Grandma came for a visit. Grandma has not been here since Max turned one year old. We were having too much fun on Sunday and didn't watch the time so Mom and Grandma got out of here later than they wanted. I had to get busy and start emptying out the family room because WE ARE GETTING THE NEW CARPET TODAY!
Well we better be.
Last push to get kids ready for school. Only getting some basics. Shoes, socks and underwear.
We got letters from the school. Max's teacher has requested 3 additional items that were not on the school supply list. He already has two completely full paper grocery sacks of supplies. Also, he is supposed to bring back the "summer learning packet". I have no idea what that is. But that we never got it or I threw it out when I got rid of all the other pounds of stuff they send home at the end of the year! Oops!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Consumer rage!

I WAS the proud owner of the Reynolds Vacuum Freezer Storage Kit. Since we are in the middle of harvest season, I have been to every store near me looking for the freezer bags which go to the system. Finally, went to the official web site. They have DISCONTINUED this item! It was not able to generate enough interest. Ugh! Now I am left with a sucking unit and no bags. I tried the Ziploc varity bag. It worked but the Ziploc bag's seal did not remain closed and air leaks in. This unit has solved many of potential arguments as you see I (apparently) don't get enough air out of bags before I freeze them. So I am back to the beginning. Do I just bust the bank and get a real Food Saver!

Computer troubles

We are having computer troubles again. So if we disappear for awhile that is why.

I painted the family room yesterday!!!! So now I can feel good when they come to lay the carpet in there next monday.

My Mom and my Grandma are coming next weekend. My Grandma hasn't been here forever! Barry is off on Saturday so we are hoping to have a fun in the sun day. Complete with some fireworks and roasted marshmellows at the end of the day.

The neighbors moved yesterday. My heart just ached for Cooper and Wyatt. They were having so much fun with the twins. Cooper was really out of sorts yesterday and it didn't help that I spent the whole day painting. So no painting today. We are going to go to a park and play. Painting will have to resume tomorrow..

Niki is coming next week! Fair week too. Then school!
Wow, this summer has gone by fast!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I haven't been feeling like posting. So many things have been going on with me/us. Some good and some has been a bit frightening. But everything has turned out fine. This post may to some seem too personal but that is what this blogging thing sometimes is for me. So if you don't want to hear it ......then wait until I post again :0 .......whenever that may be.
I finally got caught up on some health tests and exams. One was for a pain on my right side. Which after an ultrasound they found nothing on the right but a cyst on the left but they seem to think it is the type which will go away. FINE. But what the hell is wrong with my right side!!!!They have no idea.
Girls, I finally had my first mammogram. Late because of my need to have children into my 40's. So you all know the drill they tell you before you start that there is always a chance to need to come in and get additional pics since they are trying to find your "baseline". So I have known people who that has happened to and I was prepared when the call came and they said I needed to get back in and have some more pics. What I wasn't prepared for is when I went back the paperwork they handed me said "urgent spot compression needed" "abnormal right breast". So after I read that I calmed down and told myself that they probably have to code it that way to get insurance to cover it. Then when I was with the mammographer she told me that I will be meeting with the radiologist right after the additional pics so that I know what I needed to do. I was like "I never get to talk to a radiologist for anything right away". Even if you are a pregnant bitch and want results from your ultrasound they won't talk to you. I did start to panick. I also started a support plan right away. I started ticking through my mind everyone I knew who has battled breast cancer and figured out who I would call first for support. Everyone on the list was someone I adore and knew that they would have great wisdom for me. I had no cell phone and I just sat silently with my thoughts. I forced the tears back because I told myself that they did not give me any real details and so really it could be nothing. The radioligist came in and said that the previous pics showed a rather large mass but with the new compression pics (which is code for make her boob a pancake) the mass flattens and moves too so it is nothing and just have another mammo next year. So I was happy to get home and just let my emotions go and let some tears out. What a bunch of crap!
Gave blood and hear is a surprise high cholesterol. I can't beleive that all my McDonald runs are letting me down. So better choices are needed to be made. I have done it before so I can do it again. I have been having a reaction to my blood pressure meds. A dry cough at night which is very common and tingly hands and feet. I quit taking the meds and after 5 days the symptoms started to go away. Imagine that. You know I talked to the Dr. in April and he shrugged me off. So new meds. But these are making me very fatigued. I have to give them some time.
I also need to mention that while putting the groceries away in the pantry in my bare feet a can of spagetti "o's" fell on the top of my foot. I limped around for about 10 days until I went in and had ....yes another x-ray. So I now have a fracture on the top of my foot near my big toe. Which they can't do anything for. Can you say arthritis when I am 60? That, with the fractured toe from 4 years ago and the sprain from last December and the pain in my foot from the accident 12 years ago makes my feet gonners! I miss the days when I was tough. Falling off horses and water ski and jet ski crashes. Lets move on.
Max has one of his good friends, Caleb moving in to the house across the street. He is very excited and so are they. Wait until they get a taste of the real Gellners :) I hope they are ready!
I am not holding back anymore. It is the 4th family to live there. They can take us or leave us.
Cooper is getting a little nervous about Kindergarten and mostly the bus ride. They give the kids plenty of time to adjust so I know he will be o.k. He is such a crack up. Free spirit. Skinny dipping and making "baby belugas" in the water.
Last night we were watching Blue Planet and a sea creature came on the screen that none of us had ever seen before. So we kind of all said "what is THAT called?" And right on the money and clear as day Wyatt said "that is a FA, FA, BING-EE". We all asked him to say it again and he did just like the first time. We still can't stop laughing. The creature was bizarre looking.
Barry has been working hard of course. We have pumpkins forming. He dug up some potatoes and is always keeping our pool and hot tub up and running. He also took the boys fishing the other day. No fish but they had fun.
Visits from Uncle Bry, Spencer and Ruby. Ruby and I went and got pedicures. It was fun to be away from the boys and we are planning on doing it again. We all commented how Barry was counting what exactly that was going to cost him :)
Jacob and Ava's Aunt Maryann came for a quick stop. She had never been here and it was nice to show her our simple (boring to some) life.
We have way too many tomatoes. The cucumbers are bigger than I like. I am making a note that I want to be more selective on seeds next year. I will need to post some veggie pics soon. Barry changed the picture process on the computer. I have to learn how to hook up some skookum whatcha macallit device to get pictures. Frankly I have not the patience.
20 days until the kids go back to school. Mixed feelings about that. But I am going to join one of those smaller gyms so that I can use some equipment that will be easier on my feet and joints then my treadmill.
Fair week is Aug. 25th. My dear sis will be in town for an interview. And Barry said we can go by ourselves for a little while so we can see some horses and I can check out the flowers and veggies. All the kids every want to do is go on rides. I may just take them on another day.
And for the GRAND FINALLE......The carpet for the family room will be installed on
August 24th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So now I need to get painting again :(
All for now. Isn't that enough!