Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Check it out

Barry updated the web site www.get.to/gellner with pics from Coop's big day! We had fun. Mondays at Chuck's is fun. It wasn't busy at all!
Cooper got the Indiana Jones game for the WII so the boys have been busy playing it since last night. When they went to bed Coop and Max said to each other "whoever gets up first wake the other up so we can play together" So far there hasn't been any fighting. Wow, what a break!
Barry got called in to work at midnight last night. So our weekend is being broken up. He is taking a quick nap and then is going to give me a little break before he goes back to sleep so he can work his scheduled days.
Don't know what direction I am going to take today. I have plenty to do. I need to pick something that I know I can finish. I need to complete a short term goal to motivate me to do a big one :) I still haven't painted. I keep getting derailed.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Cooper!

This is one of my favorite pics of Cooper. 5 years ago today! Wow! He was two in this picture. He is very excited for his party at Chuck E Cheese. I need to bake some cupcakes so I better get going! Happy Birthday my Cooper!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

What's new

We had a great time at the water park. It was very quick to get to and easy to find. I wish we would have got more pics then we did. The hit was the big slide. Barry told the boys to lube their shoulders up with sunscreen to make them go faster. Their shoulders would be solid white when they would stand in line! Wyatt would go down the slide with Barry. He loved it! Barry would ask him if he wanted to go fast or slow and he always said FAST!
Cooper's birthday is creeping up on me. I asked Coop what he wanted to do for his birthday and of course he said "Chuck Cheese". So I got online yesterday and booked his b-day party. They make it very easy. We are keeping it small. 2 kids from preschool and 2 kids from the neighborhood and of course our 3. I think he is going to feel really special that day. He deserves it!

Friday, July 18, 2008

We got our Monday back!

Barry's Everett trip has been cancelled! But on a bad note the guy he was working with in Everett tore his Achilles tendon. I hope it wasn't because of any bad Karma on my part. Yikes.
We have already made plans to go to the Hermiston water park. Some people from Barry's work are going with their kids. We have been wanting to go so we are looking forward to it. So I am sending some healing thoughts to Elgin in Everett. Hope his tendon heals quickly.
Max had his friend Caleb sleep over last night. All in all it was a good time. They didn't even stay up all night. I am thinking about taking them up to the farmers market. Sno cones!
Barry updated the web site with some pics of the vegetable garden. Check it out!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


This is what summer is about! Fudgcicles out in the sun and all over your face! It is hot here and we have been out swimming. Max's friend Caden came home from his trip to Wyoming. So he spent most of the day over there and then slept over! It was just me and the two little guys. We had fun. The neighbors came down for a quick swim before bed. Thanks to Barry's solor heating system we were able to get the pool heating up to 87 degrees again so I went in :)
I don't know what we are going to do today. Our day is open. I need to start prepping some walls so I can get some paint on them. We will have to see how that goes with kids in the house. Usually, I wait until Barry can take them all somewhere for the day. But I am going to give it a try. I am hoping I can get things taped up at least and then on Barry's next days off get the paint out.
I talked to my sister yesterday and Grandpa spent some time sitting up in bed and actually put his feet on the floor. He would like to go outside for awhile so we are hoping hospice will let him sit in a wheelchair. Originally they said that they didn't want that because he could get hurt. So we will see.
Grandma joined my Mom and Sis out by the pool. Although she didn't make it in. The pool was warm enough but Grandma gets cold when she gets out. Hopefully, they will have a hot day soon so when she gets out she isn't that cold.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


So I got an email from my husband this morning. Sent to me while he was at work last night. Seems the railroad wants him to go to Everett on the 20th of this month. This means that he will work three night shifts before he leaves. Which means he will sleep all day and work all night. Then on his first day off when he gets up early at 1:00 he will go with his buddy Tanner to Everett and then to Seattle. Come home for one day off and then work for another three days of working all night and sleeping all day. This kind of schedule crap pisses me off! That railroad better send me a nanny. With the stress of my Grandpa and my Grandma I am ready to go off on the people that run that company. It has always pissed me off that you are EXPECTED to work your days off. It is different when you don't have kids. There is no routine for them. The household routine changes with every shift change for Barry.
O.K. I am done now. I do feel better. Thanks for listening.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Well THATS a good reason to proof read before I post. We went to the movie store not the moving store. Yikes! I caught it, but not before my sister did. So all you gals who were planning on moving in on my husband........He is still mine!

Vacation over!

Well, considering everything we DID have a nice vacation. We saw friends and actually both sides of the cousins. The Gellners of Tacoma were camping at Lake Easton. So we stopped by for a couple hours on our way home from Seattle. Grandma Susan and Grandpa Garry were there too! The boys got to be in the kayaks and the best part was watching Max with Spencer and Ruby in a big inner tube on the lake. I remember spending a lot of time on Lake Tapps trying to dump my brother off of a rocking inner tube. Walking the logs. It was such a healthy, happy time. We hope that we will be able to meet up with Spenc, Ruby, Sue and Bryan in the future for some fun.
I walked to Target yesterday! I have been stress eating. For awhile now. But yesterday I decided to walk instead. There was a sale on some blow up adult sitting chairs for the pool and I WANTED one. But, when I got there they were all sold out! A bummer. But I walked through the orchard and it felt great.
This morning Max wanted to go to Denny's. We had been delaying this breakfast and since it was our official last day of vacation we went. The boys did great. Wyatt still needs some work on eating out. But, I cancelled out that walk I took yesterday. :)
On the way home, we went to the local farmers market. I had not been to the new one yet and I am so glad we took the time to go. There was a natural beef dude there and so I picked up a pound of hamburger for us and some dog bones for Hailey. I would like to consider buying some beef for the freezer so we are going to look in to that. Hormone and chemical free. Thats for me!
So then there were sno cones and a trip to the moving store to help with our transition with Barry being gone tonight. Oh, and of course kettle corn!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Only a couple of days of vacation left.

Barry goes back to work on Friday night. Vacations never last long enough. We have had a good one though. We saw our friends Pam and Doug. They came over last week and had some dinner and beers and wine! Swimming in the pool. The biggest whirlpool we have ever had! Sorry Niki! You will have to come over and work on some whirlpool technique! The 4th of July was fun and the neighbors. Lots of good food! Pasta salads that were so good.
We had a nice trip to Seattle. We pitched a tent at Scott and Joanies. The kids had a lot of fun. And it was wonderful being able to relax with family. We had a nice fire. I retired to bed (of course). So I missed some of Scott and Barry's partying. Thankfully, because they did not feel very well the next day. Thanks to the Dombrowski family for the easy stay!
We spent a good amount of time with Grandpa. He is confined to his bed in the family room and is so weak. It is alarming when you first see him. He is so frail. He needs help for everything he does. There were a lot of tears. But he still has humor. Makes jokes when he can. He reflects on his life with us. It is all so overwhelming. My brother, sister and mother have a lot on their shoulders. It is hard to not be of any help to them. My Grandma is just trying to cope. He loves her so. She seems scared to even spend time with him. She feels helpless. Dealing with her own physical pain and her own illnesses. She feels bad that she is not able to care for Grandpa by herself. It is truly taking every person in the family they created to care for them.
I believe they truly know how much they are loved.
O.K. so I have this constant ache in my heart. I spent some good time weeding in the garden with my husband. It was very theraputic. Our garden is full of life. My Grandma and Grandpa always planted a garden. We will plant raspberry bushes. I am determined to carry on Grandpa's berry picking
I plan on spending time in our pool the next few days to finish off the vacation. It is going to be 100 degrees today so I can't think of a better place to be.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

We are on vacation

Barry is on vacation starting today. We have a lot to get caught up with. We will be going to Seattle on the 5th. My Grandpa is doing terrible. He is now in a hospital bed in their family room. He is finally on what seems to be the right medicine for pain. But this has made him sleepy and lucid. Atleast he is not feeling much pain anymore. So we are going to go over and the kids will get to swim in the pool and I will get to visit with Grandma and Grandpa.
Wall-E was a great movie. We recommend it for kids of all ages. Wyatt made it until the last 20 minutes before he started wandering around.
Max had a nice birthday. He got some birthday money from Grandma Betty and Grandpa Doug. I think he had it in his hand for 3 hours before he spent it! So now he has the Guitar Heros game for his Nintendo DS. It Rocks! So he has been preoccupied since last night.
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!
We are spending the 4th at home. Just us. Barry wants to get an early start on the 5th so I will have to be all packed by the 4th. I am going to the library today to find some books on tape or something for us to listen to in the car. We have dial up. Otherwise I would download to my MP3. Hopefully, we will make the change sometime soon.
Well, Barry is out mowing and I haven't done anything today but feed everyone. So I am off!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Max!

My boy is 9 years old today. I can not believe it. Barry is working today. So we are going to go out for McDonalds and then we are going to go see Wall-ee. All 3 boys are excited. I am hoping that Wyatt can sit in his chair long enough. Wish me luck!