Saturday, July 12, 2008


So I got an email from my husband this morning. Sent to me while he was at work last night. Seems the railroad wants him to go to Everett on the 20th of this month. This means that he will work three night shifts before he leaves. Which means he will sleep all day and work all night. Then on his first day off when he gets up early at 1:00 he will go with his buddy Tanner to Everett and then to Seattle. Come home for one day off and then work for another three days of working all night and sleeping all day. This kind of schedule crap pisses me off! That railroad better send me a nanny. With the stress of my Grandpa and my Grandma I am ready to go off on the people that run that company. It has always pissed me off that you are EXPECTED to work your days off. It is different when you don't have kids. There is no routine for them. The household routine changes with every shift change for Barry.
O.K. I am done now. I do feel better. Thanks for listening.


Jamie S said...

Hang in there Rocky! It does suck though! Let's get together soon!

rocky said...

I know I am whining. Its not like it is the first time I have had to deal with this stuff. I just need to relax about it.

Carol Gellner said...

Hey! If you can't whine to your friends and family, what good are we? Wine.. er I mean... Whine away!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am sure glad that she didn't go to the moving store. I NEED TO CHECK THIS MORE OFTEN.

ps. I am not looking forward to this trip Sunday either, bamboozle a trip to Angelos or Angelina's.