Monday, February 22, 2010


I need to really start proof reading my posts more. I got too many duplicate words.
"fish on fridays"!!!!!!!!!! (Rainman)

shoe and backpack clutter and a frog visits!

Shoes and Backpacks! Our entryway is always a big sea of shoes, coats and bags. And the entry really isn't that big. Sooooo,
I purchased this today. It traditionally goes at the end of a bed but it is great for the living room. Now the 3 boys will place their stuff in the new shoe center! I put it all together myself today. I usually am terrible at this kind of thing. I only do this kind of thing with my sister because she is good at it! I am hoping that this is going to help contain some things.
One night when Barry and I were still eating, I looked up and saw this a frog playing video games at the table. Grandma Susan and Grandpa Garry got these snugglies for Wyatt and Coop.
Coop's is a moose!
The weather has been terrific and I am inspired to get some things done so that I can spend more time outside.
We purchased a sofa and loveseat for the family room this weekend! It won't be here until April!
Usually, this would have convinced me to cancel the order but I am going to be patient!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A visit

I just had a great visit from a friend who was our neighbor here 9 years ago! We chatted like she had just left yesterday! I miss her and wish that she would move back. It was great getting caught up. She had never met Cooper and Wyatt. Wyatt shared all of his valentine cards he got from his friends at school today. It was so cute. She is a proud Grandma now. You can tell she just loves her grandson. I was going to remember to get a picture of us and I forgot!

Cooper brought a gift home from school today. It is a heart shaped dish made out of clay with mom and dad stamped on it. It is very nice. So nice that he has since taken it back and wants to keep it for himself! Turkey!

I made a recipe from my friends blog "I made this up, cooking with Mimi". Creamed Chicken with Biscuits Casserole. It was very yummy! I added part of a bag of mixed vegetables (thawed) and did the crescent rolls on top. It is a keeper! I have a link to her blog "I couldn't make this stuff up"

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


After giving it some thought we decided to take the boys to see Avatar. We knew it wasn't rated for kids but we decided to work through it anyway. It was a great movie. I was not excited about going. Usually not the type of movie I would go see. But it truly was fantastic. Visually stunning and made us think about a few things. So there is some swearing in it. Nothing too drastic. Really don't see why they felt the need to use some of the language it would have been just as effective without it. You walk away feeling like you had escaped the world for a few hours (and I do mean 3 hours). Which is what I think going to the movies should do for you.
Tomorrow, Cathy Ross who lived next door to us 8 -9 years ago will be in town and will be stopping by to visit. I can't wait to see her! It will be fun to catch up!
Barry has been busy planning his trip with Cooper to Disneyland in March. The plan has been that he will take each boy on a special trip with Dad to Disneyland. They will stay with Auntie Carol. Max had a great time when he went. Cooper is a little nervous about going. Hopefully, he will get excited as it gets closer.
It has been nice having 2 working computers. I no longer have to wait to use one.
Thanks Barry!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Finally updating! New computer for Mom and Dad only!

We were having such computer problems. It seemed like every week Barry had to fix it. So we now have a computer for the kids and one for us. Hopefully, this is going to keep us up and running!
We haven't been doing too much so really you all haven't missed anything. Our friends John, Katie and Julie Ann came over and hung out with us one afternoon. The teepee was a big hit as you can see. So was the dirt hole out back which was very muddy. We sent the kids home covered in dirt but I think they all had fun. It was a cold day so Barry lit the fire and we just did our "thing". I wanted to share some of the pictures from that day. Julie Ann and Wyatt are in the same pre-school class and Cooper actually went to preschool with Katie. So cute!
I will try and do a quick run down on a few things. I am going to try and get better at updating.

Cooper's Kindergarten class got a visit from a local t.v. station weather man. They filmed it and aired it this morning at 5:10 a.m. and 6:10. I managed to get up in time. I had to wake everyone up! And I really do not like doing that! I couldn't take the guilt if he missed it. Coop's face was on there two times so that was exciting for him to see. Barry watched it on one of the smaller t.v.s so he missed it. While we watched it on wide screen and Cooper made it in! The station had a bunch of typing at the bottom of the screen. So it blocked some kids. It reminds me of the scene in Monsters Inc. when Mike sees himself on t.v. but part of him was blocked and he says "I was on T.V.!"
Wyatt is doing so much better at preschool. He is coming home and telling stories of all that he is doing there. He likes to sing the songs from music. Starting to open up too with the other kids.
Today he said "that Julie Ann is so funny" and I asked him if he ever plays with Tyler(he lives down the street from us so thought maybe he could get to know him) he said "I try but he always moves away" but he wasn't upset by it.
Max has been having lots of fun playing with his friends in the neighborhood. He is working on a paper mache' mask and is so excited to be painting it. They have been really focusing on math
and he is trying to memorize his multiplications which they are being tested on with a stop watch. This has put some stress on him but he is working through it.
We have joined the racquet club......again. We weren't using it for awhile so we closed our membership. The boys are getting older and it is easier to get them in and out of there and now that there are no diapers and everyone can dress themselves it isn't so much work to go. I am starting to swim again and hope that this will help the arthritis/joint problem and give me some strength again to enjoy some other things.
I am counting the days until I can feel spring and I am starting to look forward to getting the garden going again. We dehydrated so many tomatoes last season and I didn't think that we would eat them all but we just finished off the last bag. So when I am sick of those things next summer I need to force myself to dry just a few more!