Tuesday, March 31, 2009


It is spring break and Barry took the boys to Maryhill museum yesterday. They had fun and brought back some "indian arrowhead stones and other stuff like that". We had made two indian pouches this weekend for Max and Cooper. One of those Tandy kits you can get at Michaels. It was cool to see them take an interest in something other than video games. There are new pics on Barry's blog.
We had another company come and measure our kitchen/family room. Yes....we are still trying to make a decision on that. It just seems like it is a lot of money. I really want the whole thing to be laminate. These boys are much too hard on carpet!
Lots of stuff going on in the yard. Barry is working on the new pumpkin patch area and the boys work on there fort.
We are off to take Max to Will's house

Friday, March 27, 2009


I have had this couch for a good 20 years. It is big and comfy and if we all sit right we can all fit on it. For now anyway. But it was really showing its wear and it was going to cost over $100.00 to have it dry cleaned and well you know that wasn't going to happen. The structure of it was still good it just has some spots on it. So first I thought about a custom made slip cover. Then I thought I should just check out some store bought ones and see how they are. I bought one yesterday at Walmart but it didn't fit. So it went back this morning and we went to Target and found this denim one. It is a really nice durable fabric. I think I will like it. I know I will have to adjust it from time to time but really for $90.00 bucks and I can spot clean it AND throw it in the wash. It is a keeper!

We all went to Max's school music presentation last night. It was fun to watch! Max's grade sang "Yellow Submarine". Which we think is really cool.

O.K. I have lots of catch up to do now that I have wasted so much time on the couch!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Look at our raspberry patch! The plants should be coming soon and I can't wait. Barry and I worked on the supports together! And didn't fight once! My Grandpa had a raspberry patch so I like to think he was looking down on us and keeping us from disagreeing. Max took our picture and do you know that boy of mine did not say one thing about Barry's peace sign on my head. I'll get them both :) I wonder if we could manage building a rabbit hutch or chicken coop? Cooper really wants a couple of rabbits. Easter is coming and I think that would be great!

I planted some lettuce and carrot seeds in the garden yesterday. And I finally got some sweet pea seeds planted. My Grandma used to say to plant them around St. Patricks Day. I was a little late but they are in there. This is my first try at lettuce and carrots early in the season. We will have to see. I plan on planting some peas in the next few days. If it doesn't work then I will just replant.

This house is still battling some bug. Now Cooper is feeling good but he has a rash on his face. Will it ever end????

Thursday, March 19, 2009

O.K. its the 19th!

I am still not feeling very well. I managed to develop Wyatt's viral rash. Now he is over his so I know that I will not be far behind but still. It itches sometimes and that is very annoying. Everyday I do get a little better so I know it isn't a bacterial thing and that I just need rest and time. I am getting anxious. The house needs to have a full cleaning and the weather is getting nicer so I really don't want to spend time in the house. I would rather be working on things outside.
I am almost on the final countdown for the big trip to Portland with my sister and a bunch of girlie pals. We will hop the train in Seattle head to portland and spend a weekend of Spa treatments, food and lots of fun. Barry is taking vacation so that I can go. Thank you Barry!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A bunch of sickies

Man, we have all been getting sick. One right after another. First Max got it and he is going back to school today. Luckily, it was conferences the last 3 days and so he only missed last Friday. Coop is on his 3rd day and is very weezy. Barry took him to the Dr. this morning and we are waiting to hear. Wyatt is also on his 3rd day but seems to be pulling through. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Barry and I woke up today and have both started coming down with it. Yikes! Very cold this morning. Woke up to 16 degrees....But...we should get up to the 50's. The daffodils are up and spring should be right around the corner. I am desperate for some warm weather.
We are still trying to figure out our floor situation in the kitchen/family room. Our fist bid came in a lot higher than we both wanted to spend. I am in the process of getting another bid but I am going to wait until some of us feel better. I fear that another year is going to go by before this gets completed. : 0
I got 4 market bags done. I am going to try the tea towel apron next. First I am going to repair my old shabby gardening capri overalls. They are pure comfort! So I can't part with them.
Had a great conference with Max's teacher. We are very proud of him. We are so thankful that he has great manners and is a pleasure to have in class. His teacher says he does everything that he is asked promptly and without a hassle. We are going to have her ask Max if he could get a haircut!!!!! She seems to have a way with him.
Hoping for a nap today.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Got to love them!

Yesterday when I was helping Wyatt with his shoes and the top of my head was in his range of sight he said "look Mom you have a lot of white hair!" So much for letting my hair go natural. Thanks kid!

We got a new fish tank and some new fish! This was not without its drama. I originally got a 5 gallon tank at Walmart. Then I took the boys to Petco to get some fish. Got everything home and opened the box and the aquarium was broken! I had fish! So back in to the car and then Walmart did not have any more 5 gallon kits. BUT, they did have a single 10 gallon and when I purchased what I needed seperatly it was only $2.00 more. So all in all it worked out. The boys are excited and we are going to get Coolie loaches and mini frogs.

I decided to stencil out master bathroom. It was a spur of the moment thing. Went to the store at 10:30 on Sunday got my supplies and was finished by 2:30. I like it. It is just enough to add to the room but not overpowering. Next time I will buy a better stencil and a higher quality stencil brush. You will have to double click on the pic to really see it.

The carpet and laminate gal we saw on Saturday was supposed to come today but she called and rescheduled for Thursday. I am anxious to get the project rolling. We are hoping to gut the place and then paint and have it all ready for the new flooring.