Thursday, March 12, 2009

A bunch of sickies

Man, we have all been getting sick. One right after another. First Max got it and he is going back to school today. Luckily, it was conferences the last 3 days and so he only missed last Friday. Coop is on his 3rd day and is very weezy. Barry took him to the Dr. this morning and we are waiting to hear. Wyatt is also on his 3rd day but seems to be pulling through. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Barry and I woke up today and have both started coming down with it. Yikes! Very cold this morning. Woke up to 16 degrees....But...we should get up to the 50's. The daffodils are up and spring should be right around the corner. I am desperate for some warm weather.
We are still trying to figure out our floor situation in the kitchen/family room. Our fist bid came in a lot higher than we both wanted to spend. I am in the process of getting another bid but I am going to wait until some of us feel better. I fear that another year is going to go by before this gets completed. : 0
I got 4 market bags done. I am going to try the tea towel apron next. First I am going to repair my old shabby gardening capri overalls. They are pure comfort! So I can't part with them.
Had a great conference with Max's teacher. We are very proud of him. We are so thankful that he has great manners and is a pleasure to have in class. His teacher says he does everything that he is asked promptly and without a hassle. We are going to have her ask Max if he could get a haircut!!!!! She seems to have a way with him.
Hoping for a nap today.

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