Tuesday, March 31, 2009


It is spring break and Barry took the boys to Maryhill museum yesterday. They had fun and brought back some "indian arrowhead stones and other stuff like that". We had made two indian pouches this weekend for Max and Cooper. One of those Tandy kits you can get at Michaels. It was cool to see them take an interest in something other than video games. There are new pics on Barry's blog.
We had another company come and measure our kitchen/family room. Yes....we are still trying to make a decision on that. It just seems like it is a lot of money. I really want the whole thing to be laminate. These boys are much too hard on carpet!
Lots of stuff going on in the yard. Barry is working on the new pumpkin patch area and the boys work on there fort.
We are off to take Max to Will's house

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is so discouraging sometimes to not have things come together as planned. It does sound like you have done some wonderful decorating/improvements and I'm confident the rest will follow Rocky. It took 2 years to find our dining room fixture but was well worth the wait.
Love the raspberry patch and couch cover and new pics of the boys at the museum! Miss you all and am looking forward to Easter. Tell the boys I will have bubbles for them :).
Grandma G.