Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wyatt's hair

Wow! I did it! I cut Wyatt's hair. He is just as bad as Max when it comes to his hair. I finally had it with spraying detangler in it and listening to him cry everytime I tried to comb it. I still think his long hair was cute. But it started taking too much effort to get it combed out. What a bunch of "hoo haw". Screaming and crying! Is it cocktail hour yet?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Of course!

School has started and Barry is out of town. So you know I had to come down with a head cold today. I would like to think it is just allergies. I was feeling really run down yesterday and thought that I was just feeling lazy. So far it is not too bad. Just enough to bug me.
Wyatt was very out of sorts at school. I stayed with him almost the whole time. The last half hour I ducked out for about 20 minutes. He did fine but was excited to come home. So many tears. Part of me is very anxious to have my own time. Maybe he senses that. I went rollerblading down by the river on Tuesday. It was so great to get some exercise. Time that I didn't have to "ask" for. Find someone to watch the boys so I can have a 30 minute walk etc. It will come. It is just going to take a little longer than I thought. Besides, I lost a "dohicky" on my skate and now I need to get it fixed so I don't break a leg or something :) I have to admit that after all the little injuries I have had this past year or so, I really had to get some nerve up. But it was just like riding a bike!

Monday, September 21, 2009

We are on our own!!!

We had a very nice weekend. A visit from Tanner. Our friend Matt came by too! We watched some football. I even sat down many times to catch some of the action. Made some homemade pico de gallo. Tomatoes and jalepenos from the garden. The boys did great at playing in the neighborhood and not putting too many demands on us.
Barry left very early this morning for his trip to Fort Worth. He is going to be gone for a week. Now some parts of this is actually nice. Me and the boys can just hang out. Leave our dishes until the end of the day. Watch junk on TV. Eat or not eat! And NO cooking big meals. But it is a long week for me. By the time he gets home I just really want to get out of here for awhile. He will be on vacation when he gets back so things should work out.
Wyatt is still hesitant about school. He really has a hard time when I leave and gets ansy for me to come pick him up. It is kind of sad for me. He is so completely outgoing at home and in the neighborhood. He hangs out with all of the big kids and has so much fun. At school he is just hanging out by himself. Which makes me feel that he is struggling with this step in growing up.
We are enjoying some fabulous weather. Hot days and cool nights. LOVE IT!

Monday, September 14, 2009


We have gotten off to a great year of school. Coop is such a champ! He walks out to the corner with his big brother and gets on the bus. His teacher says he is happy there. What more could I ask for after one week. Wyatt goes to school tomorrow for his first official day. Since it is a Co-op I am working. It is a good thing because Wyatt hasn't done the "school" thing yet and he is a little nervous. All will be good I am sure.
We are expecting Grandpa Garry and Grandma Susan to stop by on Thursday. Barry is switching to nights on Wednesday. He can get up a little early and visit on Thursday. We have a big day on Saturday. Our friend Tanner is driving over from Seattle very late on Friday. We have not seen him for awhile and have missed him. Wyatt is looking forward to seeing him. He really thinks Tanner is cool! After that it is Barry's annual front line supervisor meeting in Fort Worth, Tx and then an extended trip to Betty's.
We are having great weather here. Nice and hot. I have way too many tomatoes and really can not stand to eat another one. The heritage tomatoes were late but are ripening now. If you like a nice slicing tomato......we have them!!!!!
Barry is breathing down my neck to get off this gadget! Have a great week everyone!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Wyatt!

My baby is 4 years old today! He is such a good boy! So good to his Momma. We love you Wy-wy!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cooper's first real day

Cooper got on the bus today for the first time. It was no easy job. He has been a bit worried about it. We know he will do great once he gets there. After spending the last few weeks WAITING for school to start so that I didn't have to watch and hear them fight all day, I cried watching him make that big step up on the bus. I could feel his hesitation deep in my heart. Max was being such a great big brother. I could see him sitting by Coop in the Kindergarten section as we waved good-bye. I am worried Cooper will be upset. I am worried that because he is unsure he may get mad about something. But he was so great at preschool and his teachers all loved him. He is just hitting a little bump!
Max has started his school year great. Not even one argument. He has been getting up every morning, even before I get up, to take a shower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Packing his lunch on his own!!!!
Well, I am going to go spend some time with Wyatt. It is so unbelievebly quiet!