Monday, September 21, 2009

We are on our own!!!

We had a very nice weekend. A visit from Tanner. Our friend Matt came by too! We watched some football. I even sat down many times to catch some of the action. Made some homemade pico de gallo. Tomatoes and jalepenos from the garden. The boys did great at playing in the neighborhood and not putting too many demands on us.
Barry left very early this morning for his trip to Fort Worth. He is going to be gone for a week. Now some parts of this is actually nice. Me and the boys can just hang out. Leave our dishes until the end of the day. Watch junk on TV. Eat or not eat! And NO cooking big meals. But it is a long week for me. By the time he gets home I just really want to get out of here for awhile. He will be on vacation when he gets back so things should work out.
Wyatt is still hesitant about school. He really has a hard time when I leave and gets ansy for me to come pick him up. It is kind of sad for me. He is so completely outgoing at home and in the neighborhood. He hangs out with all of the big kids and has so much fun. At school he is just hanging out by himself. Which makes me feel that he is struggling with this step in growing up.
We are enjoying some fabulous weather. Hot days and cool nights. LOVE IT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should come to Seattle for 24 or 48 hours when Barry returns! Ha Ha! I could plan a meal for us... or we could just go to Angelo's and invite whom ever you want. On the other hand, you've now done this for what 9-10 years, you know what to do, I believe in you to be strong enough to do it yourself.
Love ya, Niki Bean