Monday, February 25, 2008

Wow, I should have gone sledding!

Grandpa and Grandma got some great pics of the sledding adventure on Saturday. There are many more, but I think I will let Barry post some to the Gellner web site. I am still figuring out how to work this stuff.
We had a good day yesterday. The boys played with friends and I managed to watch most of the red carpet and almost all of the Oscars. Major accomplishment for me.
In my panick yesterday for some time to watch the Oscars, I promised Coop we would go to Chuck E Cheese today. Doesn't seem like I got such a good deal today. I owe him though so we will go.
My Dad forwarded the blog to my Uncle Chet. So Hello to you in Wisconsin!
Have a great week everyone!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Peaceful Saturday

Wow! It is just me and Hailey today! I am happy but somewhat confused. I have already taken my nap and had leftover Panda Express. Yum. Barry took the 3 boys to Grandma and Grandpa's to play in the snow. What an ordeal to get them out of here. Cooper had to have the Blue backpack which we could not find but ended up being in Coop's locker in the garage :)
Wyatt didn't want to put a shirt on today. He is back to his pajama thing again. Max was way too excited to go. He brought every type of gear that he may need to snowboard or sledding or quad riding. That Suberban was packed. There was no room for me and Hailey anyway. So I am off to the garden beds to do some much needed work. The sun is shining and the temp is around 50 degrees. I am thinking cocktails in the hot tub late this afternoon. An in home facial after that. By then my men will be home. Have a great weekend everyone!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Its Friday!

I am so glad that it is Friday. Barry is off today and Max will be home by 1:30 Hopefully, we will all spend some time outdoors today. Wyatt has finally started to come out of his den. He has spent most of the winter indoors. Even with the snow we had he refused to put shoes and a coat on. He likes to go for little rides with Max on the electric motor bike. Hopefully, I am going to post some pics of that. I also want to share a pic of Cooper. He has such humour. He makes me laugh everyday. He got into the cupboard and pulled out an old green bowl and ran around the house saying "look I am green bowl head man". And then yesterday he was being a little turkey to Wyatt and I said "Hey you, buzz off!" and he said "I am not a bee, I am a human" He just cracks me up.
We are going to Panda Express tonight for dinner so yea! no cooking tonight! Hope everyone has a great Friday

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy Wednesday

My friend Jamie has inspired me to give this blog thing a try. There are so many things that go on here in a day that I thought I could share some with our family and friends. Since we live away from everyone I am hoping it is another way we can keep in touch. So since I am new to this whole thing, please be patient as I try to figure this out. I don't know what makes me think that I have time to accomplish this. Just as I type Wyatt has been in here three times with different containers of playdough and Cooper is at the kitchen sink, cleaning it! I have already taken his PJ's off and his hair is soaked! Can't wait to see what the floor looks like.
The sun is out today but it is pretty cold. Hovering around freezing. Barry is at work, Max at school and it is a day off for Coop. I am going to do my best to downsize some clutter today. Wyatt gets to just hang out. He will probably ask to watch "Clone Wars" 10 times today. He loves Star Wars.