Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year! It is frigid!

We have just enough snow on the ground to have a little fun. Barry pulled them behind the lawn mower. Wyatt and Cooper never got bored with that. I love the moon over the orchard and our garden looks nice covered with white. Expecting more snow sometime today and then turning to the worst....freezing rain. I have everything that we need so I am just going to stay home until it clears up.
We will just hang out today and tomorrow. I am sure watching some football and I have some reading that I am absorbed in. Trying a new Chicken Parmigiana tonight. I got the recipe from The Pioneer Women's blog. It is going to go great with some red wine. Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Getting excited

The boys are really getting excited for Christmas Day. They go through moments where they just can't stand it! There is still lots to do. None of it is really that important so if it doesn't get done then so be it. I ordered a Divine Prime Rib from the Yokes butcher. It will be prepped for us to pick up on Thursday and that is what we are having for dinner. Yum!
The sun is out this morning. Me and the boys are going to go down to Beaver Bark as they have some real reindeer. I am hoping to get some pics of them. If it starts raining like it was yesterday then we will skip it. It was pouring!
I need to mail some packages and I still have some wrapping.
The boys all got haircuts. Barry wants his money back for Max's. Wyatt wanted me to cut his so that really needs some improvement. Can't wait until he warms up to the idea of someone else cutting his hair. Of course Cooper's hair is short which helps the other two out because then Barry has one boy that has very short hair. :)
I am off to walk on my treadmill. I have gained weight since this foot started bothering me. Just hoping to not gain anymore at this point! Didn't know how important cartilage was until I was missing some!

Monday, December 14, 2009

New week!

Wanted to let everyone know that Barry is doing very well. His calf doesn't seem to be bothering him so much and he is well on his way to recovery. He is actually helping at Coop's class today. Cooper is very pumped about that.
This is the kids last week of school before winter break. Then they are going to be home. Yikes. It will be a challenge keeping them busy.
We got some snow the other day and it is still sticking to the roads near our house but has melted on the grass.... so not much fun. We are expecting a little more tonight. Not much new just wanted to let everyone know that Barry is doing much better
Happy week!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Barry's knee

We are feeling a touch relieved today after yesterdays scare. Barry has been having pain in his calf muscle. More painful then his knee. I was out running errands and he called and told me he was at the hospital and that they were concerned he had a blood clot. They did an ultrasound and found no blood clot. But he is still experiencing discomfort. I was so unbelievibly frightened. I wanted to be at the hospital but I had kids to pick up from school and by the time I had gathered them he was on his way home. He has an appointment with the Dr. today and hopefully they can help him so we can relax about the blood clot thing. It was an emotional day.
This week has been different in that Barry has been home a lot. He worked for 4 days so he could have rest time and then work a quick 2 and be off again. I actually got invited to 2 holiday get togethers. I was planning on not going to either because what kind of wife leaves her husband at home with 3 boys after he has had surgery? But Barry was very insistent that I go. I had dinner with some lovely ladies on tuesday at Tony Romas and last night went to a neighbors for a cookie and ornament exchange. It was HUGE and I felt very much out of my element. I am pretty sure I was the oldest one there and after my emotional day I was pooped!
So my boys are telling me "no more friends for you" and "no more fun for you" Which I am o.k. with. I will have my fun at home with them.

Monday, December 7, 2009

He is home

We picked Barry up. All went well. He is on the couch with remote in hand.

Knee surgery

Barry is in having his knee surgery today. I should be able to pick him up around 3:00.
He was in true Barry form. You would have thought I was taking him to be the headline entertainment on a river showboat! Should I write my name in sharpie on my body? They said no wallet or any other valuables. The jokes with the female docs assistant or when he is totally out will they look under his robe......I found humor in it and felt bad that he was going through this. I was feeling the love! UNTIL, while driving he said "are you even paying attention to the road?" I said "you better be more worried about that doctor who is going to open your knee up! Not my driving!" Taxi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Post turkey day round up

All was well with us on this Thanksgiving. The turkey turned out great. Cooper could not wait to dive in to the drumstick. Max's cornbread was a big hit!
A busy day! An attempt at a family photo. Early dinner, hot tubbing and the movie Home Alone! I love watching that on Thanksgiving. I really don't know why. Just a way of kicking off Christmas I guess.
Just a quick update today. Barry will be off tomorrow and I am sure he will update the photo albums.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hurray It is prep day!

I am going to spend my day making all of our side dishes so that tomorrow we all can just hang out. My sister is usually here for this day to help but she can't make it until later tonight. Barry is home today although he had to go in last night and do some "testing" and he didn't make it home until after 4:00 a.m. so I don't expect him to be up for awhile. So......I need to hope that the boys can keep themselves occupied.
I am so looking forward to lighting a fire outside making hot cocoa for the kids and just relaxing!
In case I don't make it back on here again before it is turkey time.... Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! And I hope you are all able to enjoy the day the way you most like to!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Finally a diagosis!

I went to the foot Doc yesterday and finally found out why I am in such pain in my right foot.
My big toe and top of foot has been giving me trouble. At first there was the can of spaghetti "O"s. Which actually fell on a different part of my foot but I wanted to believe that it was the problem. So 13 years ago most of you know I was in a car accident. I hurt my back and my foot but my foot really didn't bother me and it was mostly my toe and I knew that they do not tend to do anything with those so I focused on my back. Big mistake. It seems that I fractured it at the joint! The joint has completely deteriated. It is grinding against bone and I have also grown bone spurs. The damage is ireversable. So now what do I do. I am going to have orthotics made hoping to relieve the pressure on the joint. Hopefully, this will make day to day living less painful. If not they can go in and "clean up" the joint, maybe inject some of my platelets in there. If or when I have used that option up they can fuse it. Then I will lose the mobility in the joint. Now a part of me knows that people live with much more devastating situations. I mostly am just kicking myself for not having it xrayed at the time. Let this be a lesson. No matter how you get hurt or how slight you may think it is you best get it checked out. And another thing, if your doctor doesn't give you a good explanation about your pain, keep bugging him/her or go see someone else. I spent the whole summer dealing with this. I thought I was losing my mind!

On an extreme up note. I am meeting my Tri-Cities pals for dinner and drink tonight! I can't hang for long as Barry is going to work tomorrow.
Turkey day is almost here. The kids are already off! Made cranberries today.

A shout out to Auntie Carol........It's not bunions that make people disply voilent behavior it is deteriated joints grinding against bone!!! I can't believe we couldn't self diagnose that!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Wow, am I ever glad that is over. The boys have had their H1N1 vaccines. Wyatt went first and boy did he howl. You should have seen Cooper's face after that. Wyatt kept on screaming "no more Doctors....ever". Coop was next and he just let out about 30 seconds of tears. Then it was big brothers turn. He was pretty frightened. The nurse gave him the shot and he said "hey, that was easy". For Pete's sake!
I am one of "those" who never feels totally confident with immunizations. Unfortunately, I have this feeling in my heart that we don't really need as many as these kids get. But a bigger voice that reminds me of how terrible I would feel if they would get something terrible.
Big day tomorrow. Dentist for Barry. Ortho for Max and a Podiatrist for me.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Not much news

It has been pretty slow around here lately. Turkey Day is almost here. Sounds like my Mom and Sister will be here for just a couple of days. Weather permitting. I am looking forward to my favorite holiday.

Wyatt is doing much better at school. He is actually staying there without me. Not without negotiation. He wants me to "wait in my car" and "don't go grocery shopping". He gets so mad when I pick him up and he sees grocery bags! But gets over it. He tells me his is shy and that's why is isn't talking too much at preschool. He is starting to though and that is enough for now.

Coop is loving school and loving learning. Conferences are coming up and I look forward to chatting with his teacher.

Max is a reading machine. He has read 3 books in two weeks and is working on his 4th. He has been reading a series by author Rick Riordan. The first book was The Lightning Thief and they are making it into a movie. He has a book light and as you can see from the pic he gets totally absorbed!

I have been reading again too. I can not believe that I have denied myself the Twilight series books! I read two books last weekend! It was so great! I am just starting the 3rd. I am going to have to pace myself this time because I did not get anything done while I was in vampire land!

Max and Barry started a game of Monopoly this morning. The other kids wanted to quit and do something else. Now Max is looking for some more game players.

I am stuck in a rut with cleaning and organizing the house. Really do not know where to start.
All for now.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Pumpkin fun

Barry has updated his blog with pics of pumpkin carving and Halloween festivities. Had a great weekend! The boys were way too ramped up but we survived. Catch the link to the right for Barry's blog.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Preschool Halloween

Yesterday was the Halloween celebration at Wyatt's preschool. He is going to be a skeleton tomorrow but that is too "scary" for school. The pic on the left he is waiting to go to the red square and show off his costume. Which at that point I started running out of batteries!

Tonight Auntie, Auntie Carol will be arriving. Tomorrow is a big day. Pumpkin carving, trick or treating at the Uptown Mall and then of course our neighborhood tricks or treats. I usually dress up as a witch but Coop and Wyatt said that was too scary. So in honor of "Mister" I will be a black cat tomorrow. More later, until then Happy Halloween everyone!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Coop's class went to the pumpking patch today. Barry was off so I got to tag along.
He had way too much fun. But I did not get one pic of him with his pumpkin he picked. It was really pretty low key. It was at a nursery and the focus was on just this patch of pumpkins. There was no maze or anything halloween. Which I could only imagine trying to keep track of everyone if there was all that extra stuff. So it was low stress but still fun for the kids. I think that since we have so many pumpkins growing here that I am just kind of spoiled with them.
Tomorrow is my helper day at the preschool. Barry has been taking Wyatt and is able to leave the class. So he is getting better. Wyatt that is.....not Barry. Ha Ha!
We are having rain today. The pumpkin patch was one big mud patch! Cooper managed to stay out of the worst of it. Some kids found a hole and had mud up to their knees.
O.K. so I went on a rant yesterday. And when all was said and done I was completely exhausted.
I will try to make this short. On the front page of our paper there was an article about a 114 unit apartment complex going up less than a mile from our house. BECAUSE the developer who purchased some land from an orchard owner and turned the zone into commercial zone built a grocery store building and then was not able to fill the grocery/office/mini mall. Something happened with the negotiations. (boo hoo shouldn't be my problem). Anyway, I sent a batch email to the email at the city web site. I was a smart ass. I admit. But I said that I really needed to start paying more attention to what they where doing down there. That I didn't move to West Richland from Seattle for a city atmosphere. That I am here because I liked the ruraliness of it. And that I was glad that there is an election looming. The city administrator shot me a 2 page email back (cc to the mayor). A complete run down on city managment and that if I cared I should have been at the public hearing when they announced that Vandervelt Development needed an "anchor" to attract businesses so that he could fill his buildings! Oh, and that there are a few openings on several boards if I was interested. I honestly thought that (1) my email wouldn't be read and( 2 )that it would just go in some bucket as someone against the building. Now, I am not against apartment living. I have lived in apartments and I am not judging anyone who lives in an apartment. This property is surrounded by people who have 2 -3 acres and I just really wanted things to stay with that kind of look. Anyway, I made up with this City Admin. For now. Some day I am going to have some time to learn more about their system and when I do I have some ass kick'n to do!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Last of the flowers

It is supposed to get pretty cold tonight. Barry is hearing down in to the 20's. So I thought I would cut what is left of the Dahlias. We had some great sunshine late this afternoon. It was pretty gloomy before that. So "B" blew out the travel trailer and all of the garden hoses in preperation. I have some lettuce planted that is still pretty young. Other than that I am preparing to close up the garden. I may start looking for an old window for next year to make a cold frame .
Barry has to work tonight. Wyatt and I went to the library and we found the second season of Land of the Lost. An old show from when I was young. SLEESTAK! Now I just need to find Sigmund and the Sea Monsters!!!!!!!!!!
All for now, It is dinner time!!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wyatt's hair

Wow! I did it! I cut Wyatt's hair. He is just as bad as Max when it comes to his hair. I finally had it with spraying detangler in it and listening to him cry everytime I tried to comb it. I still think his long hair was cute. But it started taking too much effort to get it combed out. What a bunch of "hoo haw". Screaming and crying! Is it cocktail hour yet?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Of course!

School has started and Barry is out of town. So you know I had to come down with a head cold today. I would like to think it is just allergies. I was feeling really run down yesterday and thought that I was just feeling lazy. So far it is not too bad. Just enough to bug me.
Wyatt was very out of sorts at school. I stayed with him almost the whole time. The last half hour I ducked out for about 20 minutes. He did fine but was excited to come home. So many tears. Part of me is very anxious to have my own time. Maybe he senses that. I went rollerblading down by the river on Tuesday. It was so great to get some exercise. Time that I didn't have to "ask" for. Find someone to watch the boys so I can have a 30 minute walk etc. It will come. It is just going to take a little longer than I thought. Besides, I lost a "dohicky" on my skate and now I need to get it fixed so I don't break a leg or something :) I have to admit that after all the little injuries I have had this past year or so, I really had to get some nerve up. But it was just like riding a bike!

Monday, September 21, 2009

We are on our own!!!

We had a very nice weekend. A visit from Tanner. Our friend Matt came by too! We watched some football. I even sat down many times to catch some of the action. Made some homemade pico de gallo. Tomatoes and jalepenos from the garden. The boys did great at playing in the neighborhood and not putting too many demands on us.
Barry left very early this morning for his trip to Fort Worth. He is going to be gone for a week. Now some parts of this is actually nice. Me and the boys can just hang out. Leave our dishes until the end of the day. Watch junk on TV. Eat or not eat! And NO cooking big meals. But it is a long week for me. By the time he gets home I just really want to get out of here for awhile. He will be on vacation when he gets back so things should work out.
Wyatt is still hesitant about school. He really has a hard time when I leave and gets ansy for me to come pick him up. It is kind of sad for me. He is so completely outgoing at home and in the neighborhood. He hangs out with all of the big kids and has so much fun. At school he is just hanging out by himself. Which makes me feel that he is struggling with this step in growing up.
We are enjoying some fabulous weather. Hot days and cool nights. LOVE IT!

Monday, September 14, 2009


We have gotten off to a great year of school. Coop is such a champ! He walks out to the corner with his big brother and gets on the bus. His teacher says he is happy there. What more could I ask for after one week. Wyatt goes to school tomorrow for his first official day. Since it is a Co-op I am working. It is a good thing because Wyatt hasn't done the "school" thing yet and he is a little nervous. All will be good I am sure.
We are expecting Grandpa Garry and Grandma Susan to stop by on Thursday. Barry is switching to nights on Wednesday. He can get up a little early and visit on Thursday. We have a big day on Saturday. Our friend Tanner is driving over from Seattle very late on Friday. We have not seen him for awhile and have missed him. Wyatt is looking forward to seeing him. He really thinks Tanner is cool! After that it is Barry's annual front line supervisor meeting in Fort Worth, Tx and then an extended trip to Betty's.
We are having great weather here. Nice and hot. I have way too many tomatoes and really can not stand to eat another one. The heritage tomatoes were late but are ripening now. If you like a nice slicing tomato......we have them!!!!!
Barry is breathing down my neck to get off this gadget! Have a great week everyone!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Wyatt!

My baby is 4 years old today! He is such a good boy! So good to his Momma. We love you Wy-wy!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cooper's first real day

Cooper got on the bus today for the first time. It was no easy job. He has been a bit worried about it. We know he will do great once he gets there. After spending the last few weeks WAITING for school to start so that I didn't have to watch and hear them fight all day, I cried watching him make that big step up on the bus. I could feel his hesitation deep in my heart. Max was being such a great big brother. I could see him sitting by Coop in the Kindergarten section as we waved good-bye. I am worried Cooper will be upset. I am worried that because he is unsure he may get mad about something. But he was so great at preschool and his teachers all loved him. He is just hitting a little bump!
Max has started his school year great. Not even one argument. He has been getting up every morning, even before I get up, to take a shower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Packing his lunch on his own!!!!
Well, I am going to go spend some time with Wyatt. It is so unbelievebly quiet!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Quick post

We had a great weekend. My Mom and Grandma came for a visit. Grandma has not been here since Max turned one year old. We were having too much fun on Sunday and didn't watch the time so Mom and Grandma got out of here later than they wanted. I had to get busy and start emptying out the family room because WE ARE GETTING THE NEW CARPET TODAY!
Well we better be.
Last push to get kids ready for school. Only getting some basics. Shoes, socks and underwear.
We got letters from the school. Max's teacher has requested 3 additional items that were not on the school supply list. He already has two completely full paper grocery sacks of supplies. Also, he is supposed to bring back the "summer learning packet". I have no idea what that is. But that we never got it or I threw it out when I got rid of all the other pounds of stuff they send home at the end of the year! Oops!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Consumer rage!

I WAS the proud owner of the Reynolds Vacuum Freezer Storage Kit. Since we are in the middle of harvest season, I have been to every store near me looking for the freezer bags which go to the system. Finally, went to the official web site. They have DISCONTINUED this item! It was not able to generate enough interest. Ugh! Now I am left with a sucking unit and no bags. I tried the Ziploc varity bag. It worked but the Ziploc bag's seal did not remain closed and air leaks in. This unit has solved many of potential arguments as you see I (apparently) don't get enough air out of bags before I freeze them. So I am back to the beginning. Do I just bust the bank and get a real Food Saver!

Computer troubles

We are having computer troubles again. So if we disappear for awhile that is why.

I painted the family room yesterday!!!! So now I can feel good when they come to lay the carpet in there next monday.

My Mom and my Grandma are coming next weekend. My Grandma hasn't been here forever! Barry is off on Saturday so we are hoping to have a fun in the sun day. Complete with some fireworks and roasted marshmellows at the end of the day.

The neighbors moved yesterday. My heart just ached for Cooper and Wyatt. They were having so much fun with the twins. Cooper was really out of sorts yesterday and it didn't help that I spent the whole day painting. So no painting today. We are going to go to a park and play. Painting will have to resume tomorrow..

Niki is coming next week! Fair week too. Then school!
Wow, this summer has gone by fast!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I haven't been feeling like posting. So many things have been going on with me/us. Some good and some has been a bit frightening. But everything has turned out fine. This post may to some seem too personal but that is what this blogging thing sometimes is for me. So if you don't want to hear it ......then wait until I post again :0 .......whenever that may be.
I finally got caught up on some health tests and exams. One was for a pain on my right side. Which after an ultrasound they found nothing on the right but a cyst on the left but they seem to think it is the type which will go away. FINE. But what the hell is wrong with my right side!!!!They have no idea.
Girls, I finally had my first mammogram. Late because of my need to have children into my 40's. So you all know the drill they tell you before you start that there is always a chance to need to come in and get additional pics since they are trying to find your "baseline". So I have known people who that has happened to and I was prepared when the call came and they said I needed to get back in and have some more pics. What I wasn't prepared for is when I went back the paperwork they handed me said "urgent spot compression needed" "abnormal right breast". So after I read that I calmed down and told myself that they probably have to code it that way to get insurance to cover it. Then when I was with the mammographer she told me that I will be meeting with the radiologist right after the additional pics so that I know what I needed to do. I was like "I never get to talk to a radiologist for anything right away". Even if you are a pregnant bitch and want results from your ultrasound they won't talk to you. I did start to panick. I also started a support plan right away. I started ticking through my mind everyone I knew who has battled breast cancer and figured out who I would call first for support. Everyone on the list was someone I adore and knew that they would have great wisdom for me. I had no cell phone and I just sat silently with my thoughts. I forced the tears back because I told myself that they did not give me any real details and so really it could be nothing. The radioligist came in and said that the previous pics showed a rather large mass but with the new compression pics (which is code for make her boob a pancake) the mass flattens and moves too so it is nothing and just have another mammo next year. So I was happy to get home and just let my emotions go and let some tears out. What a bunch of crap!
Gave blood and hear is a surprise high cholesterol. I can't beleive that all my McDonald runs are letting me down. So better choices are needed to be made. I have done it before so I can do it again. I have been having a reaction to my blood pressure meds. A dry cough at night which is very common and tingly hands and feet. I quit taking the meds and after 5 days the symptoms started to go away. Imagine that. You know I talked to the Dr. in April and he shrugged me off. So new meds. But these are making me very fatigued. I have to give them some time.
I also need to mention that while putting the groceries away in the pantry in my bare feet a can of spagetti "o's" fell on the top of my foot. I limped around for about 10 days until I went in and had ....yes another x-ray. So I now have a fracture on the top of my foot near my big toe. Which they can't do anything for. Can you say arthritis when I am 60? That, with the fractured toe from 4 years ago and the sprain from last December and the pain in my foot from the accident 12 years ago makes my feet gonners! I miss the days when I was tough. Falling off horses and water ski and jet ski crashes. Lets move on.
Max has one of his good friends, Caleb moving in to the house across the street. He is very excited and so are they. Wait until they get a taste of the real Gellners :) I hope they are ready!
I am not holding back anymore. It is the 4th family to live there. They can take us or leave us.
Cooper is getting a little nervous about Kindergarten and mostly the bus ride. They give the kids plenty of time to adjust so I know he will be o.k. He is such a crack up. Free spirit. Skinny dipping and making "baby belugas" in the water.
Last night we were watching Blue Planet and a sea creature came on the screen that none of us had ever seen before. So we kind of all said "what is THAT called?" And right on the money and clear as day Wyatt said "that is a FA, FA, BING-EE". We all asked him to say it again and he did just like the first time. We still can't stop laughing. The creature was bizarre looking.
Barry has been working hard of course. We have pumpkins forming. He dug up some potatoes and is always keeping our pool and hot tub up and running. He also took the boys fishing the other day. No fish but they had fun.
Visits from Uncle Bry, Spencer and Ruby. Ruby and I went and got pedicures. It was fun to be away from the boys and we are planning on doing it again. We all commented how Barry was counting what exactly that was going to cost him :)
Jacob and Ava's Aunt Maryann came for a quick stop. She had never been here and it was nice to show her our simple (boring to some) life.
We have way too many tomatoes. The cucumbers are bigger than I like. I am making a note that I want to be more selective on seeds next year. I will need to post some veggie pics soon. Barry changed the picture process on the computer. I have to learn how to hook up some skookum whatcha macallit device to get pictures. Frankly I have not the patience.
20 days until the kids go back to school. Mixed feelings about that. But I am going to join one of those smaller gyms so that I can use some equipment that will be easier on my feet and joints then my treadmill.
Fair week is Aug. 25th. My dear sis will be in town for an interview. And Barry said we can go by ourselves for a little while so we can see some horses and I can check out the flowers and veggies. All the kids every want to do is go on rides. I may just take them on another day.
And for the GRAND FINALLE......The carpet for the family room will be installed on
August 24th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So now I need to get painting again :(
All for now. Isn't that enough!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ahhh! No computer!

Wow, our computer crashed! I have been without it for about 4 days. Thanks to Barry for taking most of the day to get it up and running again.
The boys had their dentist appointments yesterday and NO CAVITIES! I have no idea how we dodge that bullet! Wyatt had his first appointment yesterday and did great!
Today Wyatt and I have a doctor's appointment. His allergies are pretty bad so it is time for some Nasonex.
Niki is here and has an interview with Lamb Weston/Conagra. We are very excited for her.
Barry is going to mow before it is 100 degrees out there.
****Kitchen/family room floor update The carpet is going but the vinyl will stay for awhile. It still has function.
****Garden update Seeing beans and cherry tomatoes have been ripening one at a time. I know next week I will have a ton all of a sudden.
Barry ordered a 1,000 watt food dehydrator and we are set for the rush of tomatoes.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Moses Lake

We are off to Moses Lake Aquatic Center today. 100 degrees so it should be fun! I feel like I should be staying home and getting some work done. But I have to remember that is summer and I need to have fun too! Went shopping yesterday for flooring. Thought I was on to something but found out that I wasn't. I swear I am just going to take it down to the sub floor myself and paint it! Not really but we just can't come to a mutual decision. Ugh!
Barry and the boys put together a bean pole structure with bamboo from the neighbors house. It is very cool.
New pics on Barry's blog!

Monday, July 13, 2009


Carrot time! Wyatt helped me harvast our carrots from the garden. We got more that I expected and they are healthy! Niki helped peel and cut and blanch and freeze! Now we have a good supply for soups and stew this fall/winter.

Our onion crop has been a big disappointment this year. But the tomatoes are looking good and we are going to have more than enough. We are shopping for a dehydrator so we can dry some for pizzas and pasta later.

Niki was here for a few days. She had a job interview and we are hoping for the best. She helped us finish up our vacation. Barry and I were talking and we don't have very many vacations left this year.

So it is Monday and we are getting back in to our routine. Coming up...Coop's 6th birthday!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Max!

Happy Birthday Max! He is 10 years old today! We love you! Max had a sleep over with Will and Caleb and fun was had by all. O.K. maybe not by Mom and Dad so much! Swimming, Mario Kart WII and make your own ice cream sundaes!
Looking forward to the 4th of July and then camping at Lake Easton!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Grandpa's visit

We had a very nice visit from my Dad. The kids managed to hold up fairly well. They were really busy with vacation bible school in the morning and then played with friends in the afternoon. Grandpa Bob is calling the boys The Three Muskateers. "All for one and one for all!" I think I will get some books from the library about them. It would be interesting for the boys to learn about them. O.K. mostly because of the swords :) We have some pics so we will have to get those downloaded and posted soon.

I wish I was better at organizing things. We have a busy couple of weeks ahead. First up is Max's b'day. He wants to have a sleepover. We are limiting it to 2 guests. It is all I can really handle having 5 boys in the house for 24 hours. Then we are staying home for the 4th but we have a fun day in the neighborhood celebrating. I like to have a yummy 4th of July celebration. Then the day after is our trip camping to meet up with Spencer and Ruby Gellner. We have lots to do to get ready for that. I am already thinking that I better get started sorting clothes and purchasing supplies for the beginning of the school year. Since all 3 boys will be going to some kind of school next year. I can not wait!

O.K. lunch and then off to a birthday party. And will you look at that.....Grandpa Bob actually checked the blog!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hi Mom and Niki

Hi! I am talking to my sister and mother on the phone and I wanted to share my flags I made for summer mostly for 4th of July. They look better in person!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Garden update

Weeds! Weeds! Weeds! Even though Barry has installed filters on the irrigation we still have a lot of weeds. But, we have good things going on too. We have been enjoying lettuce from the garden. Everything else has been growing great. We will have tons and tons of tomatoes this year. The raspberries are getting established. The Dahlias are up too!

The school year is officially over. I need to make a note to find a "camp for boys" for next summer (kind of kidding)! Wyatt has figured out how to spit. So he keeps spitting on his brothers! Max has decided to tell little white lies and Cooper thinks it is very funny to tease. Until one of the others smacks him then he cries for an hour.

It is 10:30 on a Sunday morning and Max already has a friend over. I think I will put my Mp3 on and just tune them all out. Hope you all are having a much quieter day :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009


The neighbors across the street are moving and they had a yard sale today. Earlier in the week I thought about having one too but the week got a way from me and I didn't do much about it. But when the kids saw the neighbors having theres they really wanted to sell some toys. So even though I wasn't ready, we threw some stuff out at the end of the driveway and gave it a try. We got rid of a few things but all in all a complete waste of time! Now I need to get the rest of my work done! It probably would have gone better if Barry was here and could help with the kids. Now we are off to the Goodwill and grocerey store.

Monday, June 8, 2009

coop's end of the year picnic

The pic on the left is this year and the other is from last year. He gets so silly about having his picture taken with his teachers. He really does like his teachers. I think he just gets a little shy and embarrassed.

I am just really far behind lately. The boys have been really challenging lately. All they have been doing is teasing and fighting. I feel like I am going to have a heart attack!

Monday, June 1, 2009

busy, busy, busy!

Wow! We are way behind on our blogs. Lots of pics to share. The cameras are full!

Coop's end of the year picnic was a bunch of fun and his pic with his teacher is hilarious. Mostly, because he has the very same look on his face as his pic last year with last years teacher. I am going to try and put them both on here.

I am very proud of Max. He saved his money up for a real bow and has spent a lot of time practicing with the target and also practicing safety. Barry has pics of that on his blog.

Wyatt is the bug kid. He has been spending lots of time turning rocks over in the yard to look for rollie pollies. I am glad he is having so much fun but the rocks of course don't get put back. You can tell when he has made a pass through one of the gardens :)

I painted the master bedroom! I am really glad that it is done. Barry wanted it all done in one day. I managed but was exuasted afterward AND I see some spots that need fixin! I rewarded myself with a new quilt for the bed. It will be so nice to have a new look in there. We have been here 12 years! The house is really showing it too!

June already! One more month and Max will be 10 years old. Yikes! 12 days and Barry and I will be married for 11 years. What a whirlwind we have been on!

Monday, May 11, 2009

A very nice Mother's Day!

My Mother's Day t-shirt! My boys worked on this yesterday morning. They did a great job....don't you think? There are more pics on his blog. WhyBarry couldn't give me a heads up before the pic so I could put some make up on I will never know. But I am sure that there will be a time that I will be thankful for these photos of me!
We have had a few nice days and things are starting to grow. The raspberries are starting to get green leaves. I was a little worried that I had bummer plants. But the weather is going to cool down again. I just can't believe it! It is feeling more and more like Seattle over here. I need some heat!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

It's Saturday again!

Barry is at work today. But we are going to have a nice sunny day...finally! I really need it to warm up and stay warm.
Max is off to his friend Calebs this morning so it will have to be a short post. We have a wonderful accomplishment by Max to report. He is officially graduated from speech therapy.
His teacher called this week and said that Max really worked hard this year and was very focused to get the job done! We are so very proud of him. It has been a very long road
Cooper lost his fist tooth. Barry has pics on his blog.
Wyatt is just being cute. All the time. The twins in the neighborhood have been coming over in the afternoon and playing with Coop and Wyatt and they all have so much fun. There is no fighting just good ol' fashion outdoor fun.
O.K. the taxi cab is leaving!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Where did I go?

Another lapse in posts. Sorry to those who actually check it often. I have been just trying to get back in the groove of things. I had such an awsome time with all the girls in Portland. I met some really fun girl pals and had fun with some gals that I have known for so long but haven't gotten to spend any time with them in recent years. We raged and we relaxed at the spa. Went everywhere on foot and ate very well. Celebrated our womenhood. That was the most important. Being surrounded by beautiful women helped me to start finding my own which becomes buried deep inside since this house is full of men!

I received the warmest welcome from the boys. I was missed and I think somewhat appreciated so that was good. Anyway, a great time and a door opened for opportunities to go again.

Back to reality though. Barry filled out the 2 month calendar on the wall and the end of the school year is getting so close. I need to start finding some summer activities to keep these guys busy.

It is 8:30 in the morning and the boys are asking to cook brownies. I think I will go get that done.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Can not believe it!

O.K. we have all caught another COLD! It doesn't seem to be as bad as the others but man, I am tired of this! I got little sleep last night and I have to work at Coop's school today. We have had it for a couple of days so I think we are o.k. to go but it has just been a frustrating year for us. Looking back on the weekend, I should have seen it coming. The boys never say that they don't feel well, they just start acting like little pains in the butt. Then the nose starts to run and it all becomes clear to me what is going on with them. Until yesterday I was trying to tell myself it was just allergies, but then Barry came down with it.
Barry is on his days off so we are looking forward to that. The weather is definitely looking good.
Woo Hoo!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Again not much

Just wanted to give a quick update. We had a very nice Easter at Garry and Susan's. Thank you for having us. Motorcycles, egg hunts, great food and wine! Can't have much more fun than that!
Max has had WASL testing this week. He seems to be holding up well. So no worries there. Thankfully.
The weather is getting nicer! Next week we will have 80 degree weather. Man, I can not wait for that! That is the Tri-Cities that I like to live in :)
One more week until I leave for Seattle and then hop on the train with my girlie pals to Portland.
I will visit with my Grandma on Thursday and then Friday morning at 7:00 a.m. (ugh) get on the train. Friday night at a comedy show, Saturday the spa treatment, Saturday dinner and then Sunday noonish back on the train for Seattle. I will head home on Monday. I am excited about the time to myself, but know that I will miss my men. Barry is making plans to keep the boys busy so they will be happy while I am gone.
Garden update. I have carrots, lettuce and peas coming up. The raspberries got planted a week ago. Barry is getting ready to put the pumpkin seeds in the ground. The grass is growing like crazy but is looking nice.
O.K. I must move on and get my stuff done.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Nothing really new

Spring break is over and we are just trying to get back in our routine. Cooper got to go back to school yesterday. I don't think he has been there for nearly 3 weeks. His teacher missed him and had him "lead" the class back from music. He was pretty happy about that.
I enjoyed my birthday weekend. Sister Niki came and went to the job fair we had here on Saturday. She still needs a job and we are hopeful that something may come from her coming over here. We have had a few very nice sunny days but now are back to clouds and a little wind.
Irrigation is on and the grass is getting green.
Easter is almost here and I have not done one thing to prepare for it. Ever since I caught the nasty forever cold I have not been myself. I am just fatigued and for the most part I am getting sleep at night. Been taking vitamins and drinking smoothies made by Barry :) Something has got to kick in.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


It is spring break and Barry took the boys to Maryhill museum yesterday. They had fun and brought back some "indian arrowhead stones and other stuff like that". We had made two indian pouches this weekend for Max and Cooper. One of those Tandy kits you can get at Michaels. It was cool to see them take an interest in something other than video games. There are new pics on Barry's blog.
We had another company come and measure our kitchen/family room. Yes....we are still trying to make a decision on that. It just seems like it is a lot of money. I really want the whole thing to be laminate. These boys are much too hard on carpet!
Lots of stuff going on in the yard. Barry is working on the new pumpkin patch area and the boys work on there fort.
We are off to take Max to Will's house

Friday, March 27, 2009


I have had this couch for a good 20 years. It is big and comfy and if we all sit right we can all fit on it. For now anyway. But it was really showing its wear and it was going to cost over $100.00 to have it dry cleaned and well you know that wasn't going to happen. The structure of it was still good it just has some spots on it. So first I thought about a custom made slip cover. Then I thought I should just check out some store bought ones and see how they are. I bought one yesterday at Walmart but it didn't fit. So it went back this morning and we went to Target and found this denim one. It is a really nice durable fabric. I think I will like it. I know I will have to adjust it from time to time but really for $90.00 bucks and I can spot clean it AND throw it in the wash. It is a keeper!

We all went to Max's school music presentation last night. It was fun to watch! Max's grade sang "Yellow Submarine". Which we think is really cool.

O.K. I have lots of catch up to do now that I have wasted so much time on the couch!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Look at our raspberry patch! The plants should be coming soon and I can't wait. Barry and I worked on the supports together! And didn't fight once! My Grandpa had a raspberry patch so I like to think he was looking down on us and keeping us from disagreeing. Max took our picture and do you know that boy of mine did not say one thing about Barry's peace sign on my head. I'll get them both :) I wonder if we could manage building a rabbit hutch or chicken coop? Cooper really wants a couple of rabbits. Easter is coming and I think that would be great!

I planted some lettuce and carrot seeds in the garden yesterday. And I finally got some sweet pea seeds planted. My Grandma used to say to plant them around St. Patricks Day. I was a little late but they are in there. This is my first try at lettuce and carrots early in the season. We will have to see. I plan on planting some peas in the next few days. If it doesn't work then I will just replant.

This house is still battling some bug. Now Cooper is feeling good but he has a rash on his face. Will it ever end????

Thursday, March 19, 2009

O.K. its the 19th!

I am still not feeling very well. I managed to develop Wyatt's viral rash. Now he is over his so I know that I will not be far behind but still. It itches sometimes and that is very annoying. Everyday I do get a little better so I know it isn't a bacterial thing and that I just need rest and time. I am getting anxious. The house needs to have a full cleaning and the weather is getting nicer so I really don't want to spend time in the house. I would rather be working on things outside.
I am almost on the final countdown for the big trip to Portland with my sister and a bunch of girlie pals. We will hop the train in Seattle head to portland and spend a weekend of Spa treatments, food and lots of fun. Barry is taking vacation so that I can go. Thank you Barry!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A bunch of sickies

Man, we have all been getting sick. One right after another. First Max got it and he is going back to school today. Luckily, it was conferences the last 3 days and so he only missed last Friday. Coop is on his 3rd day and is very weezy. Barry took him to the Dr. this morning and we are waiting to hear. Wyatt is also on his 3rd day but seems to be pulling through. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Barry and I woke up today and have both started coming down with it. Yikes! Very cold this morning. Woke up to 16 degrees....But...we should get up to the 50's. The daffodils are up and spring should be right around the corner. I am desperate for some warm weather.
We are still trying to figure out our floor situation in the kitchen/family room. Our fist bid came in a lot higher than we both wanted to spend. I am in the process of getting another bid but I am going to wait until some of us feel better. I fear that another year is going to go by before this gets completed. : 0
I got 4 market bags done. I am going to try the tea towel apron next. First I am going to repair my old shabby gardening capri overalls. They are pure comfort! So I can't part with them.
Had a great conference with Max's teacher. We are very proud of him. We are so thankful that he has great manners and is a pleasure to have in class. His teacher says he does everything that he is asked promptly and without a hassle. We are going to have her ask Max if he could get a haircut!!!!! She seems to have a way with him.
Hoping for a nap today.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Got to love them!

Yesterday when I was helping Wyatt with his shoes and the top of my head was in his range of sight he said "look Mom you have a lot of white hair!" So much for letting my hair go natural. Thanks kid!

We got a new fish tank and some new fish! This was not without its drama. I originally got a 5 gallon tank at Walmart. Then I took the boys to Petco to get some fish. Got everything home and opened the box and the aquarium was broken! I had fish! So back in to the car and then Walmart did not have any more 5 gallon kits. BUT, they did have a single 10 gallon and when I purchased what I needed seperatly it was only $2.00 more. So all in all it worked out. The boys are excited and we are going to get Coolie loaches and mini frogs.

I decided to stencil out master bathroom. It was a spur of the moment thing. Went to the store at 10:30 on Sunday got my supplies and was finished by 2:30. I like it. It is just enough to add to the room but not overpowering. Next time I will buy a better stencil and a higher quality stencil brush. You will have to double click on the pic to really see it.

The carpet and laminate gal we saw on Saturday was supposed to come today but she called and rescheduled for Thursday. I am anxious to get the project rolling. We are hoping to gut the place and then paint and have it all ready for the new flooring.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


I want to post the link to the market bag project. She has other cool things you can make too!

Have fun!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Market Bag

I found the instructions for a "market bag" on a blog I was checking out. This one is made from tea towels. It was my first one and I am not a very good sewer but I DID IT! I am going to make about 5 more and use them for shopping.!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Look at the mirror I found at Walmart. It was only $30.00. Black wood frame! I really like it.

Some old and some new.

This pic is a month or so old. Max went out in to the night one windy, cold evening. I don't think he really had to work too hard to get the swing to move!
We have been having some wind and rain lately. The temp has been moving up so that is nice. Yesterday we lost power for an hour or so. I went to dry my hair and the dryer wouldn't work. I thought I had blown through another hair dryer in a short couple of months. I was walking around the house trying different outlets. Banging it on the floor :) Swearing because I didn't want to spend another $20.00 on a hair dryer. THEN, I looked at the clock. "Oh...... the power must be out" DUH! So I spent the $20.00 yesterday on some wicker baskets to keep potatoes and onions in the pantry. One small step to being more organized.
My Grandma apparently has "plateaued" in her rehabilitation. She will be moving to an official assisted living facility. She has agreed to try it for a few weeks. This really needs to work out for her. She has been asking to go home. But she really does not take care of herself. She says she does. Even the nurses say she would not be able to live alone. So we are hoping she will be open to all the activities they provide there and get wrapped up in it all.
On a bummer note my sister is still looking for a job. She has sent applications and resumes in but with the economy the way it is hasn't heard anything back. She is networking the best she can. I have been checking over here as well. She needs a new beginning.
O.K. that is it for now.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Hurray it is Oscar day. Unfortunetly, I have not seen one of the movies that were nominated! I think this is the worst I have ever done. O'well it is the celebs and the fashion that I really like to watch. I went to a Pampered Chef party yesterday. Had a great time. It was a couple of gals whose kids go to school with Coop. His good buddy will be going to a private school next year and his friend Katie who would be going to the same public school as Coop will be doing an additional year of preschool. It made me kind of sad because now I don't think he will know anyone in his class. I know he will do fine. He is a happy kid and makes friends pretty easy. This summer I will have to watch for other kids in the neighborhood that look like they might be going.
Barry and Wyatt are feeding the ducks down by the river! And Max has his friend Will here.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Here is Wyatt with his buddy Tanner. Tanner is on his way to Fort Worth. We said our good byes yesterday. Wyatt is too young to understand that his buddy is gone. It was hard on Max. We will miss him and wish him the best of everything!

12 or so years ago my Mom got me a really nice wok. I finally took it out of the box and seasoned it and made our first stir-fry last night. It was yummy. Flank steak and veggies with a ginger like sauce. It had some chili kick too! I need some practice using it though. I was a little uptight. I was worried it wouldn't turn out and that we would never use it again. Barry is back to work today. The sun will be out today and it is supposed to be in the 50's. I am going to plan my day so that I can get some yard work going on!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hailey taking care of Coop

Hailey taking care of Cooper and me and Wyatt playing around with the camera! Shhhh! Don't tell Dad that Hailey is on the couch :)

My Cooper

Poor Coop has a really bad cold. We are going to go to the doctors this morning and have him checked out. He has some wheezing going on. :( He is really bummed because he is going to miss the valentine party at his school. He and Hailey dog are becoming good friends. When he coughs she goes running to him. It is so sweet!
Had some snow yesterday morning. It is only February so I shouldn't be too disappointed. Both Max and I are really hoping for spring. He had a bit of a melt down about the weather and was complaining about "that stupid groundhog, scared of his own shadow and now we have 6 more weeks of winter!" thppt!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I decided to paint the masterbath yesterday. I started the night before with prepping the room and then started again at 8:30 yesterday. IT TOOK ALL DAY! Why I thought to do it while Barry was at work. O.K. I actually do know why :) The boys were kind of left on their own downstairs. I would pop down for more paint and just close my eyes at the mess they had created. I would just tell myself that it could all be picked up at the end of the day and remained calm and focused on my project. The boys did farely well. I have to say there was actually very little fighting and Max actually stepped up and entertained to keep the peace. Color antique verde. I started painting and you could see every roll mark and brush stroke I did. I realized that it indeed was going to take two coats. Not a problem but I had popped off the night before stating that " I should be able to finish the job in one day". I could not be proved wrong. The second coat looks great. I have some touch ups today. But it is done. I was possessed all day and exuasted by the end. Running up to paint. Running down to check on the boys. Yikes!
I am not painting again anytime soon.
I reconnected with a friend of mine who moved to Australia around the same time Barry and I moved here. It is so exciting to here what she has been doing. It all seems so adventerous.
Big night tonight it is a red carpet and Grammy night. My favorite new artist Adele is up for 4 Grammys. I will be rooting for her but she is up against some very popular artist.
And a note for you people with kids. We purchased Madagascar 2. We found it very entertaining and fun. We had rented Space Chimps the night before and that was not as good as we thought it would be.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Another nice far

The playroom/game room/dining room is now painted! Got an early start on Friday morning and finished by 1:30. It feels so great to have it done. I am thinking about pushing myself and getting the master bed/bath done too. I went furniture shopping yesterday for a little bit. What a bunch of leeches! Man, they follow you around like you are ripping them off or something. It made me more of a believer of on-line shopping. I only really found one sofa sectional that I liked. We are looking for leather so that it has a chance of looking nice after 5 years. Personally, I could just put a couple of futons in the family room and call it good until Wyatt is 6 or 7. We thought we would have enough space for a sectional and one nice chair for Barry but it is looking tight. Now what to do.
Super bowl Sunday! We are having a Chinese buffet today. Some barbecue pork, pot stickers and spring rolls from Winco. I already went to Panda Express and picked up some ornange chicken and rice for half time. We are grazing today. It is so great!
I talked to my Grandma this morning and she seems to be doing well. Mom and Nik are going to visit her so I will get a better report then. :)
I am going to go take a nap before the big game!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Having a nice Sunday

Despite this awful cough I have. I went to the walk-in clinic yesterday and was told I have a viral cough. Just like Max. So the doc gave me a prescription for some cough syrup. Which hasn't made much of a difference. But atleast I know that it isn't anything going on really bad.
Grandma is in her new place in Tacoma and is doing well. She has a new will to move back home. Maybe she will, it is hard to say.
Barry is back to work tonight and will work 3 days and then be on vacation. We have plans to do some painting! I can't wait. Our walls are just trashed so some paint will do them good.
It is cold and actually has been snowing again off and on. I have been checking out the seed catalogs and also planning the new raspberry patch.
I think I have finally found and put away the last bit of christmas decorations. I though I went easy on the decor this year. hmmmm.
Cooper and Max had dentist appointments this week. No cavaties! There appointments are set for 6 months from now and Wyatt will go and have his teeth cleaned for the first time. They really are growing up.
Cooper and Wyatt went to the dinosaur park with Barry on Friday. They loved it once again.
Barry took Max to a off road park and Max rode his motorcycle in the snow. So it has been a good weekend for them.
No school tomorrow. Some kind of teacher workshop thing. We have no plans for the day for now.
So I am going to finish this lazy day with the SAG awards. Red carpet included. Hope everyone's Sunday is a good one.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Again Grandma

I called my Grandma last night and got a hold of her! She sounds great! She is actually moving to another rehab facility today. A place where she will have her own phone and own t.v. Once there she will have to prove that she can somewhat take care of herself and then she will be moved to a studio apartment at an assisted living. So I feel there are some good things going on there.
The boys went sledding at Grandma and Grandpa's on Sunday. They had a blast. Cousins Spencer and Ruby and Uncle Bryan were there. Grandpa took the tractor and moved some snow and slicked a great sled area. He probably doesn't appreciate it today like the kids did on Sunday :)
I watched two movies on Sunday. The Women and Mamma Mia. I have finally caught Max's cough so I am a little run down. It was nice to just be able to take care of myself. I love to read the paper and magazines and watch movies. That is all I need sometimes. O.K. and some wine!
I am actually feeling very patriotic today. I am still frighted about our future. At first I was only concerned with our retirement dwindling. Now, I am just worried about my sister finding a job that will cover her mortgage.
I know I have friends and family on the republican side of things. But I am so excited about Obama's presidency. And Hillary as Secretary of State. What a time in our history!
That said they better stop partying and get to work! My sister needs a job damn it!

Barry updated some pics on his blog.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I haven't been calling my Grandma like I used to. It is harder to get a hold of her now. You have to call the main number and then transfer to the 4th floor and then they transfer the line to a portable phone and THEN they walk it over to her. Today, they told me she was "busy" in group and to call back. I had visions of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"! It is emotional for me. I have always been able to talk to my Grandma no matter the day or the time. To discuss my troubles, to tell her I miss her, she tells me her troubles. We laugh, gossip, complain about our husbands :) I have done this with her since I was little and sat at her table having tea with milk and sugar. Of course the husband part was just in the last 10 years. I miss those times of reading magazines and looking at catalogs together. She would always make me something to eat! Thus, why I eat when I am stressed! Thanks Grandma!
Hopefully, I can call her later and get a hold of her.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cough got bad again

Max's cough was bad again yesterday. So it was off to see the doctor that Barry and I see. Luckily Barry didn't have to "nap" until after we got home. They really don't think it is bacterial. Just viral. So he gave him some cough syrup. It was such a relief to see my son finally be able to get some rest. We all managed to sleep in today until 7:30! Wow! Some much needed sleep for us all. Max is missing another day but will be ready to go tomorrow.
We made a few jar candles today. I have some soy wax from when Niki and I made some candles and some scents that Susan passed along and so we just made a few. It was nice to do something crafty.
I am hooked on this Top Ramen soup. It is so easy and satisfying if you like a peanut satay kind of taste. I use one package of chicken top ramen prepared as per the instructions. At the end I put in a tablespoon of crunchy peanut butter and then some dashes of tabasco sauce. Freshly squeezed lime juice on top and sometimes I through some green onions in. It is yummy considering how simple it is. And cheap!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Golden Globes

I actually got to watch most of the Golden Globes last night. I really enjoy red carpet events. Barry made meatloaf and I made mashed potatoes. We kept it simple. Our buddy Tanner came over and played with the boys. Wyatt just loves that guy. It is rare for us to see one of our boys enjoy someone as much as Wyatt digs Tanner. He actually will sit with him and watch T.V. It's like I don't even exist! Our days with Tanner are numbered as he is moving to Fort Worth. It is a great move for him but we will miss him. This means I will have to help Barry put the pool up this year. UGH! That ought to be fun!
O.K. so we were able to get Max off to school. His cough is better but he still has it. I had to promise him I would come get him if it got worse at school. I took him to see the pediatric doctor that all of the boys see. He said Max's lungs, ears etc. all looked good and to just give him over the counter cough syrup. I said "is that really the best we can do" He said "oh yes, you don't want to give him anything stronger than that". Poor Max literally was constantly coughing ALL weekend. I talked to one of our neighbors and he said that his pediatric doctor doesn't hesitate to give his boys a prescription cough syrup to help them rest! Now I have to admit that I appreciate our doctor's conservatism that giving kids drugs when they don't need them is never a good idea. BUT, Max was really suffering and so was the rest of the family. I am thinking about just having one doctor for the whole family. I guess the only reason I keep them with their doctor is for well check ups. I am sure another office can do that. It is just so frustrating.
I best get off this computer. Barry just brought me a basket of laundry to fold.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

web albums

so for my followers you need to make sure that you click on "web albums" on Barry's web site so that you can see all the pics fo the winter. My Hailey Mariah is looking awesome in the snow! Love her!


Wow, we have wind today. I know all of the northwest is getting hit but what a difference from yesterday. Yesterday the kids were getting pulled on the sled and today it is in the 40's and the snow has melted and everything in our yard is trying to fly away. Luckily, Barry is home tonight to "catch" it all :) It is so nice to not have the I will take the wind. Barry updated his blog with the pics from the last few days. I tried to put them on my blog but the computer was too slow. So don't forget to click on the link to the other blog to check the boys out.
My Grandma is battling a lot of depression and so she is still in the rehab unit for her hip. It doesn't look like she will be able to go home when she is better. Our family is heart sick about her and so many emotions come in to play. I love her deeply and hope for her happiness.
My sister is also on my mind. She is going through a life hurdle and I need to pray for her. I also pray that the door which opened may bring her closer to me :). Selfish?