Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Again Grandma

I called my Grandma last night and got a hold of her! She sounds great! She is actually moving to another rehab facility today. A place where she will have her own phone and own t.v. Once there she will have to prove that she can somewhat take care of herself and then she will be moved to a studio apartment at an assisted living. So I feel there are some good things going on there.
The boys went sledding at Grandma and Grandpa's on Sunday. They had a blast. Cousins Spencer and Ruby and Uncle Bryan were there. Grandpa took the tractor and moved some snow and slicked a great sled area. He probably doesn't appreciate it today like the kids did on Sunday :)
I watched two movies on Sunday. The Women and Mamma Mia. I have finally caught Max's cough so I am a little run down. It was nice to just be able to take care of myself. I love to read the paper and magazines and watch movies. That is all I need sometimes. O.K. and some wine!
I am actually feeling very patriotic today. I am still frighted about our future. At first I was only concerned with our retirement dwindling. Now, I am just worried about my sister finding a job that will cover her mortgage.
I know I have friends and family on the republican side of things. But I am so excited about Obama's presidency. And Hillary as Secretary of State. What a time in our history!
That said they better stop partying and get to work! My sister needs a job damn it!

Barry updated some pics on his blog.

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