Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We have a bug!

Poor Cooper really is fighting a stomach virus. He has had it for 5 days now. I feel so sorry for him. He is so little and doesn't have that much to lose. Wyatt is starting his trek down this road. So far Max has escaped. I went to the doctor and have an ear infection and broncitis! My ear really does hurts and the coughing is so annoying. Barry is back to work tonight. He gets to work with Tanner. That will make them both happy. :) Grandpa is not doing very well. We will know more on Friday when he goes back to the doctor. He is in a lot of pain and we are sending him our thoughts and prayers these last few days. I just really want my Gramps to be comfortable. He means everything to me and has given me so much. I love you Gramps! Take those pain pills and find some comfort!!!!!!!!
The weather...Ugh!!! Move on already. I really need some heat!!!
Wyatt is loving playdough today. He is making worms and feeding them spaghetti. So cute! There has been only one good thing about Coop having a bug. He is too tired to "badger". He is going to probably miss another day of school and that will not make him happy. His appetite is better so maybe he is finally getting better. Between my cough and Coops 3:00 a.m. bathroom needs (yuck) I am again you guessed it... tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time for dinner

Thursday, April 24, 2008


I have made a big step this week. Thanks to Betty and my Grandma. Happy Birthday to me! I purchased a MP3 player. I got the Zen Plus. My brother said if I wanted to be someone I should get an ipod. Well, I gave up those desires long ago and I really just needed something for walking and going to the gym. So far so good. It is working great. I went for a walk with Hailey yesterday and to the gym today. Coop and Wyatt went to the Kids Club. Wyatt was sad for awhile but got over it farely quickly. Things are looking up!
It is back to work for Barry tonight. We were able to get some things done even though his back is still hurt. Barry got rid of 4 of the tree stumps in the back yard and I finally moved a 9 year old boxwood bush to the front yard. We have 3 of them in the front and now they are all relatively the same size finally. It was really bothering me that one was smaller than the others. I kept thinking it would catch up but it just couldn't fast enough for me.
I put Hailey on a enzyme/probiotic supplement the other day. It has really helped her gas problem! She seems to be getting over Eevee. 4 1/2 days and she isn't back. I like to think that she is happier where she is.
It is almost the weekend and my Mom is coming over. We have no big plans. I am sure Max will have some ideas by tomorrow. The kids have not seen her since Christmas. She is in luck the forecast is sunny and 68 degrees.
All for now.

Monday, April 21, 2008

And then there was only Hailey

Well, we did the best we could with Eevee. She finally dug her last hole in the lawn. Barry found a guy at work who has a good knowledge of over bred hunting dogs and he agreed to take her. We have been talking about it for awhile now but really it happened so fast. He made a call yesterday and Jason stopped by to see her before Barry went to work. It was a very sad time. She is a beautiful dog and so great with the kids. She just didn't get it. Once her and Barry had too many disagreements he just couldn't forgive her. It just became too stressful for the rest of us. The kids were very upset but they understand that Jason will give her a good home. Hailey seems pretty sad too. She is going to be kind of lonely for awhile. Coop and Wyatt and I are going to Petco to get her some special treats and toys. We hope that Eevee finally finds her place in this world. She deserves that.

Its Monday and I am motivated to have a productive week. I am trying a new shrimp and linquine recipe tonight. Barry is off for the next couple of days and he should only have to go in for one extra 4 hours. His back is still hurting him so I am going to make him an appointment with the Doc. I better go get Max off to school!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday night bliss?????

Max is off to his sleep over. His friend Caden had a hard week with bullys on the bus. Some serious words were spoken. It reminds me that we have to be careful and respondent in todays times. Even here. It is just Coop and Wyatt and I and it does feel weird. Max was so excited to go and have fun. I miss him. Although, he would most likely be starting an argument with Coop by now.

Max and I bought this buddha on QVC for my birthday. She is in the front garden and I think she is so cool. She is solar powered and her lotus flower in her hand and the base light up at night. I am hoping she will remind me to breath and take things as they are.

I made it to Friday!

It feels like it has been a long week. Barry's days off were Tues. Wed. and Thursday. But he had to go in two times for meetings etc. so our "weekend" felt fragmented. The lawn got mowed and Tru Green did there thing so it is starting to look good again. Cooper likes to help me weed in the garden patch. We are trying to get the big weeds out before we rototill. On Barry's way home from a visit to work today he stopped by the barber and got Wyatt's hair cut! He said he did great! What a difference a few months makes. It is a great length. Not sheared off. So it is Friday, Max was off the bus at 1:30 and needed a ride to a new friends house. It is hard to leave him at other peoples houses when you don't really know the parents. I can't really go over there with the two other boys and hang out for awhile to check things out either. The weather isn't nice so the park isn't an option. So far Max has had great judgement and he knows our phone numbers in case he needs help. Still it is unsettling. After his play date he may be spending the night at Cadens again. With Barry working all weekend it will be nice to have one kid entertained. But it will suck if he calls me in the middle of the night because I will have to wake the others up to pick Max up! Yikes! Max hasn't given me any reason to think he would need to do that but you never know. I am tired today. Coop and Wyatt have really starting the sibling rivalry thing. Wyatt is starting to fight back. It worries me because I just don't want Wyatt to get hurt. It is pretty funny though because Wyatt is getting bigger and he tackles Coop and they go at it on the floor.
Well, it is almost time to go pick Max up get Barry off to work and I forgot that I need to make Sloppy Joes! More later

Friday, April 11, 2008


Hello to everyone! We are going to have some fun tonight. Max is having his friend Will over for a sleep over AND it is the night of the new special Spongebob "Pest of the West" They had a water fight and some hot tub time and are just coming in. We had great weather today and are looking forward to more tomorrow.
I have to share a story from yesterday. Max has a new video game that he is glued to and spent a lot of time on it. So Barry said to me " would you tell my son that I miss him and wish he would come outside and spend some time with me." I relayed the message to Max and without even taking a breath he said " will you tell Dad that that is how I feel when he goes hunting all the time!" Wow! I couldn't have said it better myself. Good Night!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Betty's visit

Well, Betty is on her way home today. We hope the American Airlines problem doesn't bleed over to her airline and wish her a safe and fast travel home. We all had a great time. Barry and I went out for Mexican food one night and yesterday went to the Bookwalter winery. We also started to the process of trying to figure out what we will replace our kitchen and family room floor with. It is not going to be as easy as I thought. I did have a pattern picked out but it seems it will have to be special ordered. Which is o.k. but now I feel that I really need to make sure I know what I want. Hardwood is not an option. The laminate flooring was a thought but apparently the gal said not to but it up next to the real hardwood in the hallway. It is such a small space. I can't imagine that it would be that bad. Especially, if I don't try to match the hallway and use a different color or plank size. So I will have to look into it further. Barry is busy getting the irrigation started. I have some flower seeds I am going to plant now that I have some water. Thats all for now.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Where have I been?

I can't believe how long it has been since I updated. I think I get hung up if I don't have pics that I want to share so I don't post at all. So I don't have a pic today but I thought I would update anyway. We all came down with a bad cold last week. We all seem to be coming out of it this week. I had a nice birthday on Saturday. I went to see the movie "The other Boleyn Girl". I am glad that I read the book. The movie did not do the book justice. If I would have seen the movie first I never would have read the book. But I still had a good time.
Grandma Betty is here. She got here Sunday night, but her luggage didn't get here until after midnight! We had a nice day yesterday. The kids have been enjoying showing and telling Grandma everything! They have not stopped talking.
Max went to his friend Cadens yesterday for a sleep over. He was very excited to stay up all night, eat doughnuts and play video games. Yikes! I can't wait to see what kind of condition he is in this morning.
We are hoping for better weather today. We need to rototill the garden. I will try to update more often.