Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We have a bug!

Poor Cooper really is fighting a stomach virus. He has had it for 5 days now. I feel so sorry for him. He is so little and doesn't have that much to lose. Wyatt is starting his trek down this road. So far Max has escaped. I went to the doctor and have an ear infection and broncitis! My ear really does hurts and the coughing is so annoying. Barry is back to work tonight. He gets to work with Tanner. That will make them both happy. :) Grandpa is not doing very well. We will know more on Friday when he goes back to the doctor. He is in a lot of pain and we are sending him our thoughts and prayers these last few days. I just really want my Gramps to be comfortable. He means everything to me and has given me so much. I love you Gramps! Take those pain pills and find some comfort!!!!!!!!
The weather...Ugh!!! Move on already. I really need some heat!!!
Wyatt is loving playdough today. He is making worms and feeding them spaghetti. So cute! There has been only one good thing about Coop having a bug. He is too tired to "badger". He is going to probably miss another day of school and that will not make him happy. His appetite is better so maybe he is finally getting better. Between my cough and Coops 3:00 a.m. bathroom needs (yuck) I am again you guessed it... tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time for dinner

1 comment:

Jamie S said...

Feel better you guys! I'll be thinking of your Grandpa. Keep us updated and I hope he feels better soon.