Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ahhh! No computer!

Wow, our computer crashed! I have been without it for about 4 days. Thanks to Barry for taking most of the day to get it up and running again.
The boys had their dentist appointments yesterday and NO CAVITIES! I have no idea how we dodge that bullet! Wyatt had his first appointment yesterday and did great!
Today Wyatt and I have a doctor's appointment. His allergies are pretty bad so it is time for some Nasonex.
Niki is here and has an interview with Lamb Weston/Conagra. We are very excited for her.
Barry is going to mow before it is 100 degrees out there.
****Kitchen/family room floor update The carpet is going but the vinyl will stay for awhile. It still has function.
****Garden update Seeing beans and cherry tomatoes have been ripening one at a time. I know next week I will have a ton all of a sudden.
Barry ordered a 1,000 watt food dehydrator and we are set for the rush of tomatoes.


Carol Gellner said...

Hey! Your blog is my lifeline to you & your family and it is WAY overdue. Ok.. Ok.. you are one busy gal and I need to be very, very thankful that you do this at all!
Lv, Auntie-Auntie C

Anonymous said...

I hear ya Aunti-Auntie C! Rocky! Get on it! Hee Hee... I've been out a few times this summer.. but I still like to "hear" it in Rocky's "voice".