Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Got to love them!

Yesterday when I was helping Wyatt with his shoes and the top of my head was in his range of sight he said "look Mom you have a lot of white hair!" So much for letting my hair go natural. Thanks kid!

We got a new fish tank and some new fish! This was not without its drama. I originally got a 5 gallon tank at Walmart. Then I took the boys to Petco to get some fish. Got everything home and opened the box and the aquarium was broken! I had fish! So back in to the car and then Walmart did not have any more 5 gallon kits. BUT, they did have a single 10 gallon and when I purchased what I needed seperatly it was only $2.00 more. So all in all it worked out. The boys are excited and we are going to get Coolie loaches and mini frogs.

I decided to stencil out master bathroom. It was a spur of the moment thing. Went to the store at 10:30 on Sunday got my supplies and was finished by 2:30. I like it. It is just enough to add to the room but not overpowering. Next time I will buy a better stencil and a higher quality stencil brush. You will have to double click on the pic to really see it.

The carpet and laminate gal we saw on Saturday was supposed to come today but she called and rescheduled for Thursday. I am anxious to get the project rolling. We are hoping to gut the place and then paint and have it all ready for the new flooring.


Anonymous said...

I like the stencil!! Looks great! Been a long time since I've had a fish tank, but maybe that's the way to go? Better than a big black & tan dog and a black cat!
Love ya!

Doug and Pam said...

I like the stencil also, when we get ready to redo our bathrooms here in FL you need to come down and help!!!