Thursday, February 11, 2010

A visit

I just had a great visit from a friend who was our neighbor here 9 years ago! We chatted like she had just left yesterday! I miss her and wish that she would move back. It was great getting caught up. She had never met Cooper and Wyatt. Wyatt shared all of his valentine cards he got from his friends at school today. It was so cute. She is a proud Grandma now. You can tell she just loves her grandson. I was going to remember to get a picture of us and I forgot!

Cooper brought a gift home from school today. It is a heart shaped dish made out of clay with mom and dad stamped on it. It is very nice. So nice that he has since taken it back and wants to keep it for himself! Turkey!

I made a recipe from my friends blog "I made this up, cooking with Mimi". Creamed Chicken with Biscuits Casserole. It was very yummy! I added part of a bag of mixed vegetables (thawed) and did the crescent rolls on top. It is a keeper! I have a link to her blog "I couldn't make this stuff up"

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