Wednesday, July 2, 2008

We are on vacation

Barry is on vacation starting today. We have a lot to get caught up with. We will be going to Seattle on the 5th. My Grandpa is doing terrible. He is now in a hospital bed in their family room. He is finally on what seems to be the right medicine for pain. But this has made him sleepy and lucid. Atleast he is not feeling much pain anymore. So we are going to go over and the kids will get to swim in the pool and I will get to visit with Grandma and Grandpa.
Wall-E was a great movie. We recommend it for kids of all ages. Wyatt made it until the last 20 minutes before he started wandering around.
Max had a nice birthday. He got some birthday money from Grandma Betty and Grandpa Doug. I think he had it in his hand for 3 hours before he spent it! So now he has the Guitar Heros game for his Nintendo DS. It Rocks! So he has been preoccupied since last night.
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!
We are spending the 4th at home. Just us. Barry wants to get an early start on the 5th so I will have to be all packed by the 4th. I am going to the library today to find some books on tape or something for us to listen to in the car. We have dial up. Otherwise I would download to my MP3. Hopefully, we will make the change sometime soon.
Well, Barry is out mowing and I haven't done anything today but feed everyone. So I am off!

1 comment:

Jamie S said...

I am thinking of you and your grandpa will be in my prayers. Take care and call me if you need anything at all!