Thursday, March 13, 2008

Back to school

Wow, Max is back to school today. The house is quiet this morning. No fighting. It was a big day for Max yesterday. He had his appliance removed. He has a temporary retainer to make sure his is jaw stays in place. He will get the real one at the end of the month. He was so nervous to go to school. He said he didn't want anyone to laugh. Plus he was worried he would lose it during lunch. I am sure he is doing fine. Poor kid. His mouth looks great though and he has plenty of room for his adult teeth.
I wish I could show you a pic of Coop. He was totally naked walking around in Barry's huge boots. It was so cute and he was laughing and he thought he was truly talented. He can sure make us laugh.
Wyatt is so easy going again. Getting clothes on. Going outside to play. He loves to dig in the dirt outside. He gets filthy. We got a Lego catologue in the mail the other day. It is the first think he looks at in the morning. He goes through and points to all the things he likes.
I finished my book the other day. Barry said that I must not have liked it because I wanted to finish it so fast. If I really liked it I would have taken my time. So that said. I am on to another book. Hopefully, by the same author. I am hooked.
It is raining today. Hailey doesn't like the rain. I have found as I have been gone from Seattle that I don't much like it either. So it will be a day of wiping paws at the back door. O.K. I can hear Coop getting into something. I hear a chair being moved in the kitchen. Never good!

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