Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What a busy weekend

We all had a very busy weekend! The boys went to the local egg hunt on Saturday and came home with lots of stuff. Coop had a great time at his friend Katies birthday party. They had an egg hunt there. There must have been 200 eggs there just for the kids at the party. Bouncy house and good food and cake! It was a sunny day and I forgot to bring my camera. Way, to go Mom! He wants to go back and play AND he wants Katie to come here and play. This is a major break through for Coop as Katie is a girl and he has always said that he doesn't have "girl" friends.

We spent Sunday at Grandma and Grandpas. Wyatt got a special ride on Grandpa's tractor. Cooper had bubble time with Grandma. Max and Ruby rode 4 wheelers almost all day. In the snow and rain and mud! They were very cute together. We brought Max's little electrice bike and Spencer got on that. It reminded me of my Uncle Sam when he would make those little mini bikes. It is hard to beleive that Spenc is 12 years old now. Yikes. We lost Hailey for awhile. She went right down the side of the mountain. Barry was in charge of her. After a search party was sent out she was found. I am so thankful. And so is Barry as he was facing some major charges against him for not keeping an eye on her! :) I have to mention that my day was not with out its challenges. Seems I had trouble handling glasses and vases on table tops. I made my share of messes that day.

So we are back at it today. Max is still tired and sleeping in but making it to school. We had Tanner (he works with Barry) over yesterday. When Max got home from school they all had a sport evening. Chipping golf balls in the backyard. Tennis, hockey and catch with the football in the front. We had Burger King for the kids and Panda Express for the adults. Yum!

So make sure you check out www.get.to/gellner Barry updated yesterday!

Have a good day

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