Friday, March 12, 2010


It is Friday!!!! Barry and Cooper are in L.A. until Monday. They have huge plans and will be pooped when they get home. We have a busy week next week with conferences at the grade school and our helper day at Wyatt's school on Tuesday with clean up night the same day. I think I will plan nothing for Wednesday. I have to say that it is very strange not having Cooper here. Both Max and I had moments where we were expecting Barry and Coop to be here and a "Duh" to ourselves that they weren't even in town :)
Max decided to play baseball this year. He hasn't played since t-ball so this is a giant step. Little League just isn't what I remember it use to be. The kids actually have to try out and then be placed on a team. Since he hasn't been on a team in a long time he is being placed on a AA team and his friends are on AAA teams. To top it off they announced the AAA teams on Monday and Max has been confused and so upset that he had not heard anything. He was so sad last night. I called and they are placing AA on Saturday. So at least I was able to have an explanation for him but he is feeling embarrassed that he is going to be on a "younger" team. He didn't know how he was going to tell his friends at school. We practiced his speech that he "has to start somewhere" and I told him that he will probably be able to gain a lot of confidence this season.
Wyatt is really liking school now. He gets ready lickety split, jumps in the car and hops down the hall to class. Those words are really how it is for him and it puts me in such a happy place in the moment. He is still bashful and reserved when he is there but is totally happy.
I was hoping to put Coop and Wyatt in swimming lessons this spring. But I had to wait to here about baseball and when practice was going to be. With Barry's rotating schedule everything needs to be scheduled for me to be the one to drop off and pick up. And then Barry helps when he is off. So we missed spring swimming and will now be there for summer lessons along with every other kid in the community. As my Grandma would say "that's the way it goes...I guess".
I have been swimming again. I have been taking it slow so that I don't aggravate my joints. So I am getting stronger and every time I go I can swim a few more laps.
There is someone new in my life. Nicky the wonder horse! I can't believe the opportunity that has come my way. A month or so a go a mom of a boy in Wyatt's preschool class wanted to get the boys together to play. Wyatt had a bit of a cough so I was hesitant but it was a nice day and they were going to play outside. I really wanted to stay home and take a nap :) but luckily I thought about Wyatt instead of myself and we walked down the street to their house. Of course we got to chatting and after awhile she mentioned that she had a horse. I said "how do you take care of 3 kids and still find time to ride?" Turns out there was another mom who was helping her exercise Nicky who just got pregnant and wasn't going to ride anymore. She offered for me to try to ride again and honestly I said that I hadn't ridden in so long that I really didn't know if I would be much good for her. We left it at that but she called me a few days later and offered for me to come check it out. I had such an amazing time that day that I think I was smiling the whole day. So.....I have been back a couple times and it looks like I will get to ride!!!!!! I am trying to not get ahead of myself and also be respectful of this fortune. I ordered a riding helmet and a pair of barn boots that I can garden in and use for riding. I have no idea how long it is going to take to get my seat back but every time I am there I do notice a difference. Anyway, I am keeping my fingers crossed that this continues to work out.
Spring is right around the corner. The weather this weekend is going to be kind of crappy but next week is looking great. I need to get working in the gardens. The theme this year is to streamline what we have. Make the areas more weed free so that I am spending more time enjoying the garden and not weeding pathways. We can really get a lot of produce from the 3 raised beds and I am going to try and do more staggered seed planting.
Well, I must get moving!

1 comment:

Carol Gellner said...

Thanks for sharing two of your four "boys." We had a blast!!

Love ya, Auntie-Auntie C