Friday, May 27, 2011

My little guy!

Wyatt is done with preschool! It was his class picnic yesterday. The sun was shining but it was very windy and cold. He had a great time despite his shyness. He is going through another phase . It is hard for me to watch him struggle with his emotions. I think the only reason he went to the picnic was to drink the root beer that they had made in class. He had two full bottles! Anyway, he settled in and played with his school friends. So he is off to Kindergarten next year!!!!! All three of the boys will officially be in school 5 days a week. Wyatt for a half day but....Yea! The preschool has been so very good to us. Very kind and understanding. A good foundation for the boys I think. Co-op preschool is hard work!!!! But as I look back it really was the best for our boys. There were many times I considered switching to more of a drop off school. Especially when Coop started going and Wyatt was a baby. Things would have been easier. But I am glad I stuck it out. Many friendships have been formed for all of us through our participation there. So a little bittersweet. But I am very excited for our next step :)

I have been battling the crud since May 3rd!!!!!!!! Finally, went to the doctor last Friday and found out I had a sinus infection and bronchitis. I had a fever of 101 and didn't even know it. How whacked is that?!?! I just kept plugging along telling myself that I would get better. So what I did in the end is make it difficult to shake even with antibiotics but I think they are starting to finally work.

The weather....Ugh! I really need some heat!!! Usually by now it is strictly shorts and sandals weather. But not this year :(

Big weekend. Barry's birthday on Saturday. His present is all wrapped! My Mom is taking a break from cleaning Grandmas house to come spend some time over here. The boys have a 4 day weekend. I have a riding lesson and hoping to spend some time working on some projects inside and out. Hope everyone has a safe Memorial weekend!!!!!

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