Sunday, July 17, 2011

Cheese Louise

We got a new chicken! She is a good layer so far. The previous owner had a pair of these Silver Laced Wynoedett hens. This one got a little too noisy for city living so she had to find her a new home. So her and her sister were called Macaroni and Cheese. We have Cheese so I call her Cheese Louis! She is Cooper's new chicken. Whatever that means. Does it mean that he takes care of all her needs? I wish. She has settled right

in and is a great addition to our flock!

Wyatt had his hair cut at Great Clips....finally! He has been so frightened to have his hair cut but he finally did it with a little bribe and there was no crying or whining involved! Some things they just have to work out for themselves in their own time. Hard for us adults to put up with. But he did it!!! He looks so different to me now. I liked his long hair. Except when I had to comb it :) So for now Barry is one happy Dad having all 3 of his boys with short hair.

We are enjoying some nice summer weather. Fun times in our backyard. Max and Coop made some bb shooter things out of pvc pipe and duct tape and my dish glove. Barry had a "barrel of bb's" somewhere in the garage of his (of course he did. Will I ever know what he truly has stashed everywhere?). So the boys have been shooting at a target for the last few days. Leaving me feeling somewhat unsettled. But they are very careful.

Wyatt went to a birthday party yesterday! Star Wars theme. Cooper tagged along. Great fun. This family has about 60 chickens!!!! It was really interesting to me to see their set up for them. And it made me really appreciate our small flock. 60 birds looked like a lot of work!!!!

We had a very nice visit with our neighbors who are back home for a visit. They have been living in Vienna for the last year and will stay one more. I have a link to their blog on this page. They are an amazing family. They are seeing so much of Europe and the kids are learning so much. So nice to see them!

Barry made a quick trip to Spokane yesterday. His Uncle has an extremely aggressive cancer. Our hearts are heavy in this house as we pray for his comfort and for the strength and comfort for the family.



Anonymous said...

Barry Happy :), only until fall when Max wants to grow it out again. Ahh, Wyatt looks cute though, older. He'll always be your Baby.
Love ya! Nik

The Smith Family said...

Just catching up on your blog. Thanks for the nice words about us - it was great to see you guys! So sorry we never made it back over there. Things were a bit too busy for my taste! So bummed we missed Barry!! Hugs!

The Smith Family said...

Oh and I LOVED Cheese Louise!!