Saturday, January 21, 2012

A no pic update

We have been socked in with winter weather this week starting on Wednesday.  With a bad call by the school district for a 2 hour delay with 5 inches of snow expected by the time the boys school was to be let out.  Wyatt's morning kindergarten was cancelled but the other two went in.  After watching the high school bus and Max's middle school bus spinning out  I was very hesitant to send Cooper.  His bus did the same thing so I spent the rest of my morning and afternoon stressing about them coming home.  I was worried the buses would get behind schedule and that Cooper wouldn't make it home until after dark.  But the school district pulled their heads out and starting releasing the high schools and middle schools out early so all ended up well.  Silly, but I was very relieved to see their smiling faces.  No school on Thursday or Friday and Monday is a scheduled day off for the a teachers workshop or whatever so the boys are getting 5 days off!!  Barry has been working the last two nights which of course have been the nights where we have had the freezing rain and temps in the teens and twenties.  Always scary to send him out the door.  But today we are already up to a whomping 32 degrees and at the moment the sun is shining!  Beautiful! 
Our animals have made it through.  Chickens have been pretty unhappy.  They end up spending way to much time in their coop.  Our heated water bowl is in their large run which unless the ground is completely bare they won't venture out there.  Hindsight, on day one I should have moved it.  So I made several trips a day out with new buckets of water.  We had one or two hens with bleeding feet.  A quick search on the internet and they possibly got stuck to the frozen ground.  I spread some hay in "run one" and it helped them to come out a little more and no more bleeding feet :)  The bunnies are hanging in there.  On Tuesday I prepared for the weather a bit by making sure they had fresh hay for some warmth.  Cooper's high maintenance bunny had crap caked all over her back end.  I had to give her a little bath!  So gross!  But I was glad we found out about it before the temps dropped down so low.  Would not have been fun finding that out when the snow and freezing rain was coming down!  So their hutches got covered in tarp to protect them from all the element and they are enjoying the tarps being opened up today.
Need to try to make it to the library and feed store today.  Rally the boys to do homework.  Some snow clean up and Joe's special for dinner!
My wrist is getting better!  Still sore but very much on the mend!

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