Tuesday, October 28, 2008


School day for Cooper! He loves to go. I haven't figured out what I want to do today. I know I have to go buy our Halloween candy. The boys got some Pez Halloween candy dispensers from their Auntie, Auntie Carol. They were excited to open up the box. Thank you Carol! Same ol' thing around here. Star Wars on the WII and Cartoon Network on the t.v. At night this weekend there was some flashlight tag going on. That was fun to see. Trying to get the kids out while it is still somewhat nice. All for now.


Carol Gellner said...

You are very, very welcome. I loved them myself.... AND they glow in the dark!! Hope the guys found that out.

Lv, Auntie-Auntie Carol

Anonymous said...

Happy Holloween Rocket!!!!
I am heading to the ocean for a girls weekend, lots of wine and wathcing the surf.
