Sunday, November 2, 2008

Good bye Halloween come on Turkey Day

O.K. I really like Thanksgiving. The food, the relaxing and reflecting and most of all no presents or too much candy! For me, it is a good holiday. My sis is coming again this year and we have lots of fun cooking together. We are hoping that the new Harry Potter movie will be out and we will have time to go see it. Some things to look forward to this month.

Thursday it was my turn to work at Coop's school. It was dress up day and was lots of fun. Everytime I work there I am reminded that it is a great place for our kids to get their start.

Coop couldn't wear his scary costume so he chose his astronaut costume. Barry has great pics on his blog.

Halloween wasn't without its troubles. For the second year in a row, Wyatt wouldn't put his costume on! He picked it out himself! So frustrating. And then Max's mask was hurting his face so after trying many things to adjust it, it was left behind. We had mild weather for the evening. I could even leave the door open and just use the screen door. Its nice when you don't have to bundle the kids up in hats and gloves and coats with their costumes. The boys had a great time.

Too much candy. Max weighed his bag and told me he has 7 pounds .

Some ramblings but now I need to put my groceries away.

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