Saturday, November 15, 2008

Whats Up?

Sorry for not posting for awhile. We have just been doing our thing. We had some bad windy days and even some rain. Now it is cold but sunny. I am going to detach these kids from the t.v. and video games and get outside today. Wyatt has really started to play the games pretty well I might add. A hazard of having older brothers is that he gets exposed to stuff at an earlier age.
I need to try harder to find other stuff for him to do.
My rainboots came! They were such a great deal. I can stomp through the yard and not really worry about what I step on because I can just spray the heck out of them to get them clean :)
Max was right. The black ones were the better choice. Red with white polka dots would have been fun but I probably would have lost the fun in that eventually. Barry of course thinks they are just plain silly. $15.00 plus .97 cent shipping! Screaming deal!
The Pasco terminal is losing a trainmaster. One of the "young ones" got a job I believe in Sioux City. Matt was so great with the kids. He always played catch with Max when he came over and even bought them Christmas presents last year! We will miss him but wish him the best of luck with his adventure. We still have our buddy Tanner. I am sure that won't be for long.
Well, I need to go make homemade waffles. Max has decided that he likes them better than the frozen kind. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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