Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hunter safety

Max is a little over half way through with his hunter safety course. The last two nights Barry has been able to go to the class with him and today the class goes to the shooting range in the morning and then class from 1 - 5 this afternoon. Yikes!!!!! During the break they are going to go sign Max up for baseball. Poor Max is getting pretty warn out. School all day and then 4 nights this week hunter safety class from 6 - 9:30 ish. He will have lots of studying to do tomorrow. His test is on Tuesday night.
So its me and the young ones today. Some errands and then we will go out for lunch!!!!
So our Boxer dog Hailey went to the vet because she has been limping after rough housing with Lucy (we think but don't really know). She still runs like crazy on it so we didn't think it was a huge problem. It is really tough to keep her down. Turns out she has a torn ligament in her back knee. The bill for repairing it will be.........
around.......$3,000.00!!!!!!! after all the x-rays and surgery are done. Plus, we would have to travel to Spokane for 24 hours or so. We have her on some medicine. I really don't know what to do. My Mom's dog has the same issue and has had it for years. She has had a surgery and it is back again. It so sucks to see her favor that leg because she is such an athletic and active dog.
Cooper has been busy playing Webkinz. It is nice that he is playing something that doesn't have guns it it. He just bought a Mazin Hamster which came in the mail.
Wyatt is busy all the time with Legos. We are trying to encourage him to write his name and he is having very little interest in that. He may be a tough one :)
I went for a ride this week and it went really well. The sun came out for awhile making it even nicer. Looking forward to getting out and doing that more. Kindra found a gal who is offers riding lessons and I am going to call her and see if she will take me on as a student. I just need to make the call which for some reason I keep putting off.
Barry is working Sunday night, Monday night and Tuesday night.
Tomorrow is the SAG awards RED CARPET time! So fun for me to watch!

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