Monday, August 18, 2008

Its fair week!

This has to be my favorite week of summer. I love to go to the fair and see all of the animals. I also enjoy seeing all of the homemade items that people create as well as flowers and vegetables that people grow. We are hoping to go on Wednesday. It is usually kids day. My sister usually comes this week but isn't going to make it this year. She has taken a lot of time off of work recently so we will have to go to the fair without her this year :(
We are all battling a cold. Sore throats and coughs. What a way to end the summer! School starts next Wednesday for Max and the following week for Coop. I have Wyatt registered for a one day a week class. I am going to cancel that. I really don't think that he needs 3 years of preschool before he goes to Kindergarten. Although I know he would benefit from it, that is $50.00 a month I can use somewhere else. Thats our milk bill for the month!
I tried the orange, mango and banana smoothie at Starbucks today. It was yummy and it has whey protien in it to help keep the hunger away for awhile.
Note to self.......still no painting done in this house! :(

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