Saturday, December 20, 2008

Home stretch!

Barry is back to work today. He is going to have to work tomorrow and we are expecting big time snow. We always feel "bad for Dad" when he has to go to work at 5:00 in the morning on very snowy days. We worry about him!
Me and the boys are going grocery shopping today. Always my favorite thing to do with the boys :). We are going to Winco where you "get" to bag your own groceries. I really want to get most of the groceries we will need for the week of festivities before this snow hits. Plus the parking lot should be relatively free of snow today so you can at least push your cart to the car against the wind and make it! Where is a valium when you need it.
We are hoping our families will be able to travel over here this week. We look forward to everyones arrival. We have so much fun relaxing and eating and the kids playing. O.K. the adults play too!
I had some eggnog yesterday. I tried the "light" variety this year and it is just as good. I realized though that I really miss our homemade hot butter rums. I haven't made any because they are so so so fattening. But it has always been one of the first things our family does to kick off the Christmas season. Grandma always made up a batch at our Saturday Thanksgiving. I think I will have to indulge myself!
I miss my Grandpa. I am also feeling very sad for my Grandma. She is at the rehabilitation unit and of course is not very happy. It is hard to remain focused on being festive when my mind fades back to what she must be feeling. Christmas is her favorite time of the year. She has always had alot of expectations of us which was not always convenient for us all. But she did create memories. I just hope she is able to find some calmness in her mind to help her through these next few weeks.
O.K. time to kick it into gear. This is it! The big day is almost here!


Anonymous said...

We're really looking forward to celebrating the "home stretch" with you!
Grandma G.

Jamie S said...

The holidays are always hard for missing those we have lost. I'm thinking of you and your Grandma. Merry Christmas Rocky!

Anonymous said...

I miss Grumps too! It'll definately be different at Bess' compared to Grandma's on Christmas.
Love ya! Nik